The tri-state tornado was the deadliest tornado in US history. It happened in 1925, I believe. There was no Israel at the time. How was that God’s judgment on us for messing with Israel? And if it wasn’t, it proves you can’t automatically correlate tornadoes and our policy toward if such an absurdity really needed disproving.
And, taking the enormous leap for the sake of argument, that God's Wrath is being visited upon us for the Israel matters, why is His Anger being directed at a region that is reliably Christian and Conservative? When God smote Sodom and Gomorrah, His Just Vengeance was targeted at those involved in the abomination of homosexuality.
The absurdity of the proposition might make have some logic (if you stretch it to beyond the breaking point) if a tornado outbreak were to occur in Vermont, a state that overwhelmingly supported Obama. But Oklahoma? A state where not a single county went Democrat in the 2008 election?