One of the (many) things that turned some folks off of Ron Paul (You know, besides the crazy) were the behavior/manners of his followers both on FR and other places. If you (Palin or bust folks) devolve into that you are doing her no favors.
Neither is someone (who supports her) going to vote against Sarah just because, as you so aptly cite, people feel badly for the truly pitiable Magical Mischief Tour bonehead.
This election isn't about personalities, in case you missed it. It's about saving our Republic from total destruction. Only the truly numb-domed are so vapid as to assume that another might throw away a vote to save their country over some adolescent peeing contest they saw on FreeRepublic.
So save your stern, avuncular admonitions and phony crocodile tears for some vastly more gullible chump. I don't doubt you both know plenty of them.
Kinda like Red Sox & Patriot fans.