Additionally, the Karzai regime is so corrupt, incompetent, and without widespread popular support the country will splinter again along tribal lines once we pull out. Afghanistan is a cultural, political, and religious basket case and always was. We blew our opportunity to succeed there long ago. Now we are just repeatedly playing the somber tune of "Bleed, Bleed, Bleed" while our finest are maimed and die in that hopeless 3rd World hell hole peopled either either by Muslim fanatics or those who simply want to be left alone to their tribal ways.
We might as well partner up with the bad guys to make the best deal possible, get out, and stop expending our military and resources. We need to save them for wars looming in more strategic places including on this side of the ocean.
Bring the troops home to rest and refit and put them on our own border. We will very soon need them here.
What I wondered quite often is, who ever changed the definition of treason?
It seems to me that must surely be a liberal thingy also....they tend to seek to nullify anything that would disagree with any agenda they might have. Take for instance our ‘The Constitution” that our forefathers set forth? Obama$$ and his evil ilk are doing everything they can to circumvent, ignor, and change it in-order-to suit their EVIL agenda.... to bring this once mighty nation to it’s knees and destoy it from within!!
“We might as well partner up with the bad guys to make the best deal possible...”
Partner up my eye. That’s no different than asking the Taliban to watch over our women and children while we secure the borders.
Unfriggin’ believable.