If the U.S. Constitution was designed to prevent the government from having too much power, how did we end up with a government that controls just about everything in our lives?
Because of three groups of people and five tendencies all too familiar to the founding fathers:The three groups:The founding fathers warned that lack of vigilance would enable the group 1 and group 2 parts of society to enslave and impoverish the group 3 people who actually produce everything. The answer is to take the government back from the abusers in group 2 and use it to cut them and those in group 1 off at the ankles.1. Those who want to live off the labor of others.The five tendencies:
2. Those who want to control the lives of others.
3. Those who are productive and want to be left the hell alone.1. People in group 2 promise people in group 1 a cut of the loot if they enable them to spoliate people in group 3.
2. People in group 2 can rely upon people in group 1 to respond to envy and people in group 3 to be manipulated by pitching something as a public good or by characterizing their reluctance to fund the scheme as miserliness against the "needy" in group 1.
3. People in group 3 are so busy trying to be productive and take care of their own lives and dependents that they don't pay enough attention to the collusion between the moochers in 1 and despoilers in 2.
4. Small-time number 2 people, known as criminals, rely on robbery or fraud to separate people in group 3 from their products of labor and don't really give a rat's ass about people in 1.
5. Big-time number 2 people, known as statist politicians, rely on the force of law to extort from people in group 3 the products of their labor, while paying off people in group 1 for their support in attaining public office and staying there. They also don't give a rat's ass about people in group 1 except to have as many as necessary to keep themselves in office but not too many lest they not have enough people in group 3 to keep the whole thing running.
The three groups:
1. Those who want to live off the labor of others.
2. Those who want to control the lives of others.
3. Those who are productive and want to be left the hell alone
That’s an excellent summation of our situation. Thanks.
The answer is for the group 3 people to shrug.
The good ol' days when men were men.
Say, this is pretty good... did you write this?
An accurate assessment. Good job.
Starve the beasts.
I just forwarded that to some of my more politically active friends encouraging them to forward it as well.
This needs to be disseminated far and wide.
I think the problem is the Anti-Federalists were right.
Spot on. Wake up call worth passing along.
“The three groups:
1. Those who want to live off the labor of others.
2. Those who want to control the lives of others.
3. Those who are productive and want to be left the hell alone.”
Amen! I’m quoting you on that!
Getting FedGov to leave you alone is a hard trick to pull off.
"I am with the South in life or in death, in victory or in defeat...... I believe the North is about to wage a brutal and unholy war on a people who have done them no wrong, in violation of the Constitution and the fundamental principles of government. They no longer acknowledge that all government derives its validity from the consent of the governed. They are about to invade our peaceful homes, destroy our property, and inaugurate a servile insurrection, murder our men and dishonor our women. We propose no invasion of the North, no attack on them, and only ask to be left alone."
~~Major General Patrick Cleburne C.S.A.