Apparently records and witnesses indicate she was in Washington state 2-3 weeks after Zippos birth.
There are no such records or witnesses. No one knows what day she registered for classes (or if she did this in person) or when she signed her apartment rental agreement. If such a witness did turn up, would their recall of these relatively minor events from 50 years ago be reliable?
The recent FOIA release on Barack Obama Sr. contains a memo dated August 31st, 1961 which states that although his "spouse" planned to go to "Wash State University next semester", she was currently living with her parents.
White girl with black baby wasn’t minor event 50 years ago.
And the memo that very conveeeniently states so much info that could not have been needed or relevant is very - conveeeenient.
But I’m sure no honest and principles gov employee would ever do anything wrong in regards to Zero’s ineligibility like doctor FOI documents, no of course not, couldn’t possibly happen.