You haven’t read Obama’s letter to the HDoH or their response, have you? Obama obtained two certifed copies. They were physical sheets of paper.
I’ve read that. What Obama showed the public was a PDF that was in a format that allowed manipulation and had green cross-hatches, and something that resulted in reporters posting a white copy that had no cross-hatches or seal.
So which of those actually came from the HDOH? The only way we know something is from the HDOH is by the authenticating marks - the registrar’s stamp/signature and the raised HDOH seal. Who saw those authenticating marks? The one that can’t be photoshopped is the raised seal. There isn’t one of those on the white copy, and there’s just a faint circle of distortion in the cross-hatches on the green copy. Who did Obama showed the raised seal to, and which document was it on?
Your disgusting and arrogant support of the 0bama administration is really accelerating. You think anyone on FR doesn’t know what you’re about?
The only way you would know if they were physical sheets of paper is if you had them in your hand the moement they “arrived”.
You trust the thugs in the White House to tell the truth and you support them with every comment you make. That, or you know they’re lying but your loyalty (and maybe job) is more important than truth.