However, I suppose it's human nature not want to be dragged out of your courtroom by an angry mob and strung up from the nearest lamp-post. And, while that may not be a certainty, it's certainly a possibility in some parts of the country. Add in all the speculation about potential race war and it's easy to understand why the black-robed brigade is MIA in this fight.
But they don't deserve all the blame. Most members of the House of Representatives and Senate have Law degrees. They know just as well as the judges do that Obama is not qualified. Yet not ONE of them -- including all the Republicans we generally accept as Conservative -- have pointed to the issue of Obama's dual nationality and said "look folks, based on the way we define "natural born citizen", this guy is not qualified."
Now all that might have worked previously, and since the MSM has kept their lips safety-locked to Obama's rectum, as long as nobody wandered off the reservation, it might have worked all the way through the 2012 election.
Unfortunately for them, with Obama's popularity in the pits and getting worse, there is a hint of blood in the water and the sharks have begun to circle.
Interesting times...
Yes it is human nature and no it wasn’t all the fault of the judiciary and didn’t even start with them. It didn’t start with this issue either. But that cowardice only gives the temporary safety Ben Franklin spoke of. Ultimately it leads to ever greater erosion of the rule of law. The consequences of actions are inevitable.