Have you seen this. Just came out this morning. Trump’s political adviser is none other than Michael Cohen- a rabid leftist.
Normally I don’t like “I told you so” moments, but I am looking forward to this one with all of the Trumpologists.
Yes, that is Michael Cohen who is on George Soros’s “New America Foundation”.
Ping #66- if you want more Soros/Trump connections, Trump’s political adviser is on Soros’ New America Foundation.
Vera Coking, an elderly widow from Atlantic City, knows firsthand the power of unaccountable government agencies. The Institute for Justice successfully defended Vera against the condemnation of her home by a State agency that sought to take her property and transfer itat a bargain-basement priceto another private individual: Donald Trump. Trump convinced the State agency to use its eminent domain power to take Veras home so he could construct a limousine parking lot for his customershardly a public purpose.Thanks to IJs advocacy, Vera Coking won in court and continues to enjoy her home of more than three decades.
Source here.
Yes, that is Michael Cohen who is on George Soross New America Foundation.
Thanks for the link!
Not only is Trump a RiNO, not only is he a Judas horse, he's Beelzebub Soros's kind of Judas horse.
Still, he's undermining Obama's hold on office with the eligibility issue, so I'll take all of that help I can get, imho.
While many found it prescient, most excoriated me for my "grasping at straws," etc.
Well, well well. Now we see who was on the money, and who was asleep at the switch, don't we? That "The Hairdo's" campaign manager is a Soros insider pretty much answers both the question I posed in my article, and those who were ill-advised enough to challenge me in public, their misplaced words forever indelled in the (history-making) pages of FreeRpublic.
I won't say "I told you so."