Bill voted for Obama.
He is an Obot.
Fox’s largest shareholder in News Corp is Prince AL Waleed’s company which is the portfolio of Saudi Arabia. This is not just BOR it is Fox News. ALL TV supports him. The public are such sheep.
Watch people attack me here. Just shows taht they value a TV clicker over their freedom and liberty.
Obam could care less about anything. He controls ALL of TV, the newsmedia and Hollywood. He can do whatever he wants.
BOR,You show the long form birth certificate then and his school transcripts while you are at it.
I do not watch FOX any more. I get most my news from the web now.
Can’t we start a call-in,fax-in,e-mail campaign to FOX about scrubbing their site on this?
these people are disgusting
Hannity seems to be open to discussing the details without spin. Trump is on tonight, where both will talk about Obama's evasive background
Did anyone honestly believe Bill would raise issues and point out where answers must be forthcoming to America’s citizens? I knew the broadcast would be nothing more than him talking down to us as if we were dull-witted children and telling us that there is nothing to see.
I refused to waste my time on it.
Swift Boat Veterans come to mind.
Bill OReilly has never been about the’s always been about the money and his ego.
Bill O’Reilly and his best pal Obama, LIARS both.
Gee, it would almost be worth listening to O’Reilly to hear him commit that gaffe!
ping for later
O’Reilly used to be fun to watch. Lately, he’s become insufferable. The constant self-promotion, always hawking something — usually his latest tome. I’ll watch when Dennis Miller is guest, but most of the rest of the time, I equate watching O’Reilly with watching the president. And I won’t watch the president.
Since the Obama election BOR has been bending over backward, the View apperances aside, to asuage his white guilt and be a happy, uncle tom for Barack Barry Soreto Obama.
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I can’t remember what it was now, but the other night he went through a series of “myths” regarding 0’s birth, and the last one he declared was “made up” by those who were stating it. How did he know it was made up? He gave nothing to back up his assertion. I wish I could remember what it was to which he was referring, but I’m having a mental block. Maybe someone who saw his show the other night will remember what it was.
Just a WAG, BO'R was off having a dinner meeting with cbs execs in hopes of snagging the seat being vacated by the perky one.
The crystal clear truth... rings loud and hard.
It would really tick off the folks at the liberal site I go to when I would say that Fox was liberal, but just not as liberal as the other networks.
Now pretty much everyone knows what I was talking about.
BTW, I was saying that based on my limited exposure. I have not had tv in my home since ‘97, but am exposed to it in airports, etc.
Boyles’ ping.