Bachmann surprises me with this position. She is way out on her own and is not in step with the Tea Party.
This is disappointing.
As for Morris, there will be no huge cut this time around. They have decided to keep their powder dry for the Paul Ryan blueprint. Probably wise under the circumstances but they better come out hitting hard for next year or they are gonna catch it from the conservatives. Hard.
Yeah Lucy, there's going to be big trouble if you pull the ball away again....but I trust you.
I agree. We all know politicians can be notorious liars but I expected more from Bachmann. But, as the old saying goes, there’s nothing like a national crisis and the necessity to make tough decisions that separates the wheat from the chaff. To put it most kindly, she’s no “profile in courage.”
She hired one of the hucksters ex-campaign experts and now she's probably listening to his advice.