I’m in agreement, the policy is a failure, and the cure is worse than the disease. Refreshing to see this on American Thinker!
Personally, I think this is an issue that more GOP candidates, especially those in battleground states, might want to think about. There’s a majority of Americans who are looking at these issues a lot more realistically than the government or either party does, and we might be able to pick up some votes on this.
I know a lot of Conservatives disagree and think this would be weakening our stance on social issues, but if the policy can’t work in reality, we are doing no favor to Conservative principles by pursuing it so doggedly. Isn’t it the left who pursue policies based on their desires and not based on pragmatism?
Another thing that I think makes this a true Conservative issue is the personal responsiblity angle. If we believe that citizens in general are trustworthy enough to own deadly weapons, then what sense does it make to treat people like children when it comes to drugs?