I have an aircard account that came from Alltel. Their d/l speeds were fantastic for mobile wireless internet — 2.2-2.5Mb consistently.
Once Verizon took over and the networks were merged, it’s a whole different story. I’m lucky to get 45KB down. It totally sucks.
DSL is supposed to come through in September, and other WISPs are starting to expand into my area. The sooner the better.
T-Mobile customers have my sympathies. Kiss your good internet service goodbye.
My cell phone service is through T-Mobile. While coverage may not be as good vs. Verizon I have not had billing issues and other hassles that I hear from other providers. Now I’m concerned big ATT will screw it up.
They’re already discontinuing the prepaid data plan that I use. Ah well: Goodbye T-Mobile, hello Virgin.