Speaking of ignoring Obama...I had a dream last night that Benjamin Netanyahu and Rome not only refused to acknowledge Obama as the legit President of the United States because he failed to prove his citizenship status but Benjamin Netanyahu warned him to step down and the Israeli army protected us until Sarah Palin won in November.
“More than two months after the Tucson shootings, the administration is calling together both the gun lobby and gun safety groups to find common ground.”
Pure, unadulterated bullsh1t. Obama wants to cut the legs out from under the NRA, and make it look like he’s doing them (us) a favor.
Our president is as phony as a three dollar bill - or, for that matter, his “Hawaiian” birth certificate.
you can not converse with a moron
In this case, what the Kenyan Clown is up to is simple enough: he wants to ban all private sales of firearms.
There is nothing to discuss with the gun-grabbers here.
NRA will not find common ground with a steaming pile of Muslim boot wipe.
Obama refuses to take the lead on anything. He votes "present" just as he did as a Senator in Illinois. No real budget proposals, Pelosi and Reid wrote "obamacare", Libyan crisis, Israeli problems, last year's budget, etc, etc, etc. This man-child will never take the lead.
Glad I renewed my NRA membership for a couple of more years. They have angered me several times but when push comes to shove you can count on them to show up for the rumble.
I am now to the point that when a liberal speaks I tune them out, turn them off, leave or tell them to STFU, as I can no longer stand the constant lies.
Lets face facts, if you are a Democrat at this point in history you are either too ignorant or too evil to tolerate, and I do not hear you.
Headline: NRA Refuses To Negotiate With Terrorist
The NRA are very politically savvy, as this maneuver proves. Nearly any other person or organization would be gaga over the opportunity to sit down with the President of the United States, even if they thought it would hurt their cause.
I supported the NRA during the last election when they endorsed pro-2nd Amendment Democrats.
Now it’s time to see if this strategy pays off. I’ll eat my words if it doesn’t, but I expect to rub it in everyone’s face who claimed that they renounced their membership if many NRA-backed Democrats join the Republicans in putting a stop to this.
Hey, hussein obama, here's a crazy idea. How about you apply that same logic/policy to immigration and border security too? You lying, hypocritical, socialist, SOB.
I don't believe a single {expletive} word that comes out of this guy's mouth. I don't trust the government, period. I particularly don't trust the so-called "liberals" in government who (again, hypocritically) want to infringe on my liberties, my right to keep and bear arms.
No meeting. No patina of legitimacy to whatever f'd up plan to further usurp our rights obama and his cohorts in crime come up with.
The phrase “including law enforcement” really means the heads of public unions.
Good for the NRA - the NRA does something right. They actually recognized a no-win situation (for once)
Why would anyone meet with the Obama Justice Department or Obama to discuss gun laws. Neither makes the law.
That is up to Congress, Or at least it used to be, Obama has already made himself the Supreme Court is he now making himself Congress?
Any update to a “National Background Check”, will allow the Feds to track gun owners.
You WILL be flagged in a PERMANENT DATABASE!
Really, tell the poser to go:
piss up a rope
take a hike
go herd cats
go get a beating from that shelf ass ugly woman your’re married to
I can go on here
“Sorry Mr Holder, but I’ve got to clean all my rifle butt plates that day...... Perhaps later.”