A couple of my own conclusions...
** When this is said and done, Japanese nuclear operating engineers will be hailed as National Heroes.
** American anti-nuclear activists are already having orgasms over this accident with little regard for what the truth of the situation really is.
** The American media are proving themselves to be the severely ignorant hysterical morons we always though they were.
** These reactors are testaments to the skill and wisdom of Japanese nuclear designers, builders and operators, who continue to control a beyond worst case scenario with great courage. The fact these reactors are still being managed speaks volumes about the many levels of safety built into these units.
A point which is TOTALLY lost on the US Media. At least Anderson Cooper had the guts to admit on camera yesterday that he didn't understand nuclear power at all, and he was interviewing a man who was trying to assure him that, yes, he was upwind of the plant, so he was OK. Fortunately, the guest went on to say that even if Anderson were downwind of the Fukushima plants, there was such a small of radioactivity released in the steam, in the wake of the explosions at the reactors, there was no danger of radiation poisoning, or anything like it.
Nuke plant ping!