If Pub leaders would just say it's "silly" to believe the Wee Wee is not natural born, then you stupid Freepers would "shut down" and believe the Hawaii governor
It is silly.
Not at all an outlandish theory; we may have already had a Canadian president, Chester Aurthur. But the certificate quest probably is a trap in that Bammy’s minions have had years to forge both the paper and the background records.
There seems to be an inordinate number of stories warning Birthers that they are wasting their time. Sounds like the media is getting worried about something. So much for concept of investigative reporting.
The establishment up there is getting nervous. All the Globalists are.
First they ignore
Then they ridicule
Then they attack
Then they claim it was their idea all along...
Several have tried, and they're just labeled "RINOs," even Sarah Palin.
will the dem and media come out against their base who believe in the conspiracy theory that Palin is responsible for the tuscon shooting?
National politicians WILL be demonized if they say anyhthing like, “ well yeah, an original BC with doctor signatures and baby footprints is the only legitimate BC in Hawaii”.
Best to say nothing and let individual States pass laws that force Presidential candidates to prove conclusively they are natural born citizens.
This is so bizarre. They act like it’s our fault that bozo has produced zero documentation of his life, starting with it’s beginning.
It’s like he is the one person in the world that must be blindly trusted and never questioned.
If you question him you are either a racist or a nut.
I think anyone running for president must answer the questions and back up their answers.
There is just too much at stake.
The Obama spin machine has slyly made the location of his birth the issue.
So that Conservatives who question his eligibility can be portrayed as “kooks” if he was really born in Hawaii.
But as we know, the real issue is the citizenship of his father. This issue is never brought up, but it’s essential.
And a secondary issue is his history, school records, passport records, voting records, etc. These are never brought up either because of the birth location thing.
I wish we could find a way to overcome this.
We in this country have become a nation of "weak sisters" who are frightened to death of challenging people who transgress in this manner and set out, from the very beginning, to game the system. WAKE THE HELL UP, AMERICA!!!
I am a birther.
Show me the Kenyan Impostor’s birth certificate.
The statement above is an unsupported assertion, and is best characterized as leftist nonsense.
People are wondering how Mr. Obama meets the constitutional requirement of a natural born citizen. Congressional hearings were held to determine whether Sen. John McCain was constitutionally eligible to be president as a "natural born citizen." In contrast no controlling legal authority ever sought to verify Obama's claim to be constitutionally eligible to serve as President of the United States. Why?
Plus there are additional concerns relating to lack of information and access to his writings, his kindergarten records, Punahou school records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, passport, medical records, selective service registration records, social security number irregularities, files from his years as an Illinois state senator, his Illinois State Bar Association records, any baptism records and adoption records.
The people of this country know very little about our President. Such a dearth of knowledge about a sitting president is unprecedented.
But of course the Washington Post wants to categorize these omissions and questions under "birthplace" or "religious affiliation." Ha ha!
“The idea that the issue is a “trap” is belied by the ease with which Republican leaders could shut the entire matter down. All they have to do is say it’s silly.”
Please, don’t assume that any of us actually listen to the purported “Republican leaders” in this quest for the truth. The fact that some RINO’s choose to shirk their obligation to the Constitution does not blindly drag many of us along.
I, for one, don’t accept him as a legitimate holder of the office he occupies. Further, I don’t subscribe to the idea that he simply has something embarrassing to hide; as the American people are quite forgiving in that regard.
Nope...one doesn’t spend millions to keep hidden that information which would resolve this issue, unless that resolution would require relinquishing the office.
He ain’t legally qualified to hold the office. He’s well proven he’s not competent, also.
Yeah it is all nothing.
I know that you know that I know that they know that if we say what we think that we know then everyone will know that it is all stupid.
I say, resolve the matter and stop spending money to maintain the mystery.
I won’t feel the least bit stupid for having demanded that a sitting President present evidence that he is sitting there legally.
This ain’t Kindergarten.
This is the United States of America.
There are rules.
Why not do a little investigative journalism. As the political newspaper of record, why doesn’t the Washington ComPost as obama to produce his birth certificate and lay all these questions to rest?
It seems to me that they spent an inordinate amount of time digging into President Bush’s national guard records. But this question is a good deal more central. Just think of all the newspapers they could sell! Maybe even issue their first EXTRA! in the last decade or so!