There's a significant level of frustration that expresses itself as humor. The press attacked the Tea Party. Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, and others walked through a Tea Party rally with her carrying that big gavel, hoping and praying for someone to say something they could use to discredit the Tea Party. When no one did, they tried to make up a story about hearing racial slurs.
In Egypt, this woman is kidnapped and raped, and the press sits on it, then when they finally admit it happened, they minimize the role of the Egyptian military by saying she was rescued by some women, oh, and twenty members of the Egyptian military.
The truth is that the majority of the Egyptians want to wipe out the Christians in Egypt and declare war on Israel. The truth in Egypt is the same truth as in many third world countries that a woman who is out and not protected is very likely to be gang raped. I'm glad she survived and prayers for her recovery.
It’s often called “gallows humor”...and common on this forum.
And Political Correctness is welcoming the culture of Sharia and 'honor killings' etc. to our nation under the title of 'multiculturalism'.
This isn't something to take lightly. That gang of animals could care less about her political beliefs. They regarded her as an American woman who had it coming.
Everyone needs to remember this:
If given the chance they would go after your wife, mother, daughter or sister and do the same or worse to them. God forbid.