from NewZeal off you tube:
Islamist-allied operatives appointed by Obama are undermining U.S. security policy explains counter-Intelligence expert, Prof. Clare Lopez. Aimed at co-opting Americas foreign policy in the Middle East, a network including well-known American diplomats, congressional representatives, figures from academia and the think tank world with ties to the clerical regime in Tehran is directing the Obama Administrations policy towards the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Middle East.
Infiltrators in White House from
Duh...He is in the White House...
Well explains the Spayed-Neutered behaviour of the CIA.
anyone notice how our corrupt media covers fort this man and has now become with no hiding a propaganda wing of the Dem party.
Also anyone notice this.
Are they still talking debt and health care while allies are being overtaken, nuclear secrets being given away and our military has now become an institution where men now can hold hands on base and now we can have cross dressers on base.