Posted on 02/10/2011 6:25:57 AM PST by Notary Sojac
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) said Wednesday evening she has no objection to the participation of gay Republicans at this weekend's gathering of conservatives in Washington.
Palin said she didn't see anything wrong with the participation of GOProud, a group of gay Republicans, at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), which runs Thursday through Saturday.
"I don't have a problem with different, diverse groups that are involved in political discourse, and having a convention to talk about what the answers are to their problems that face America," Palin said Wednesday on Fox News when asked about GOProud.
Palin isn't participating in the conference, and she's declined previous invitations, despite CPAC's role as a cattle call for possible Republican presidential candidates.
But other prominent conservatives have said they're skipping the conference. The conservative Heritage Foundation and other socially conservative groups withdrew due to the inclusion of GOProud. And with those groups out, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) followed suit. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) also declined participation, though it's unclear if that decision is linked to GOProud.
Aside from DeMint, though, the other Republicans mulling a run for president are slated to speak or participate at the conference, hoping in part to boost their standing in the closely watched straw poll of attendees.
Palin suggested that conservatives had more important issues to worry about than which groups were attending the conference.
"People are losing their jobs; they're losing homes. We're still engaged in a war," she said. "There are so many life-changing, life-and-death issues out there in front of us. You know, we'd better be concentrating on what is really important here and not going kind of tit-for-tat as people are positioning themselves for 2012."
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Sorry, I was thinking of the prostitute, not the tax collector.
I am a Christian who is commanded to love all people including homosexuals. I love them enough to recognize the truth that they are destroying themselves and society by their personal and political agendas aimed at destroying the traditional family unit. Their lifestyle leads to disease and violence, job loss, more government intervention etc.. If you don’t believe it, just sit and think a while about the strength of the traditional intact extended family and how it is a very strong economic bulwark that passes on moral values and provides for its own without government intervention.
So, Mrs Palin, sodomy is still against the law in a lot of places. These people are outlaws. Their lifestyle does not need to be accepted, tolerated or legitimized in any way. They are hurting this country in a profound way. On a personal, individual level, we Christians will pray for and serve them, but on a public and political level their agenda and lifestyle needs to be condemned!
So don’t give me this, “What two people do in the privacy of their bedroom is no concern of mine” copout. They have made it everybody’s business! They are flashing it in our faces and demanding acceptance. The media have aided them in creating the mythical homosexual superhero individuals and couples who are wiser, kinder, and superior in every way to us knuckle-dragging traditional family folks.
I do like Sarah Palin, but I still long for someone who understands these things.
Spoken like a true "if it feels good do it" Loonatarian.
Go back to your Ron Paul rallies.
I am a Christian who is commanded to love all people including homosexuals. I love them enough to recognize the truth that they are destroying themselves and society by their personal and political agendas aimed at destroying the traditional family unit. Their lifestyle leads to disease and violence, job loss, more government intervention etc.. If you dont believe it, just sit and think a while about the strength of the traditional intact extended family and how it is a very strong economic bulwark that passes on moral values and provides for its own without government intervention.
So, Mrs Palin, sodomy is still against the law in a lot of places. These people are outlaws. Their lifestyle does not need to be accepted, tolerated or legitimized in any way. They are hurting this country in a profound way. On a personal, individual level, we Christians will pray for and serve them, but on a public and political level their agenda and lifestyle needs to be condemned!
So dont give me this, What two people do in the privacy of their bedroom is no concern of mine copout. They have made it everybodys business! They are flashing it in our faces and demanding acceptance. The media have aided them in creating the mythical homosexual superhero individuals and couples who are wiser, kinder, and superior in every way to us knuckle-dragging traditional family folks.
I do like Sarah Palin, but I still long for someone who understands these things.
I certainly am after she embraced GOProud being a part of CPAC. And, let's keep in mind, Palin's first veto as governor was of a bill that would block state benefits to partners of homosexuals. She has no problem with the morning-after pill being legal and supports taxpayer funding for abortion in the cases of rape.
Combine that with her miserable approval numbers and poll numbers against Obama, I'll definitely take Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain or Jim DeMint over her.
So you can either pray to God to strike dead the abortionists, or work to change minds and change the laws. Or both, actually.
But saying "Abortion is unconstitutional right now" is meaningless unless you can get 270 electoral votes for a Presidential candidate who campaigns on that platform. (Hint: Sarah Palin won't say that. I betcha!!)
And millions of the unborn die every year while that particular windmill is being tilted at.
Allowing someone freedom of speech does NOT mean that I have to supply them with a platform to say it.
And, that means she is toast in a Republican primary. Keeping social conservatives as her base was necessary for her to win a primary.
So states being able to ban abortion would lead to more abortions?
I don’t think there is any candidate on the national scene who 100% supports the “Christian Conservative” agenda as it is interpreted on FR.
Actually she said she had never gone to CPAC, and didn't know what the fuss was about. February is the busiest part of winter for her and her family, so they have more important things to do.
She coached that statement a lot....I watched her.
I took as just the opposite -- that opposing the homosexual political agenda isn't very important compared to economic issues. That isn't any different than what Mitch Daniels has said. It's time to stop giving her a free ride when she is the least electable of any conservative candidate potentially running.
Could you at leat be honest and acknowledge that it was a personal attack?
Life isn’t a Federalist issue. The democrats did not leave it up to the states on the abortion issue. Do you get that and do you know why that was not good enough for them?
If we leave abortion up to the states then there is no protected right to life.
Why should life be allowed to exist in one state and not in another? Why is a life at mercy of the will of a state?
Protecting our right to life is not a moral belief set. It is a human right.
Don’t you think that the Democrat right to kill act was an enforcement of an immoral belief onto the masses?
Conservatives have no reason to be embarrassed or ashamed. The people that think butchery is a right should be the people ashamed.
Since when is opposing homosexuality as a mainstream lifestyle forcing a moral issue on someone? We are merely wanting to preserve something that is, and always will be, the natural thing. Conservatives aren’t forcing anything, the gays are.
Somehow I think God will frown on us for making an argument for Federalism, that is rubber stamp GOP “do nothingness” to get out of guilt for lack of action on abortion. Its as though if we just don’t think about it, it will go away. Somewhere in there we are all going to have to ask to be forgiven for what we have accepted as okay, even though it is against God’s will.
And a protected right by the US Supreme Court. Take your argument up with them.
They shouldn't be allowed to be a SPONSOR of it because ITS SOLE PURPOSE is to promote a homosexual political agenda.
True conservatives don't play identity politics.
She will have to at least act like she is magnanimous to different groups while not embracing their agenda if she wishes to get elected...and she is doubt. It's a perfect storm for her with Obama's economy. She should focus on economy and debt and some failures in foreign policy if it's still an issue then.
Folks know that aside from that irritating girl power stuff she is as socially conservative as anyone. But the big ticket is abortion..and I think it is obvious where she is on that.
Try to keep up (I know I'm asking a lot of you), the "let the states decide" is nothing more than an a way for RINOs to wash their hands of abortion.
The states where most of the abortions are performed are very liberal and would never ban abortion. Many states that would ban abortion have almost no abortions performed there now (women travel to states that do have abortuaries).
It's a brain-dead argument. GOProud has free speech. That doesn't "conservatives" have to give them a platform to promote a homosexual political agenda or let them sponsor a conservative conference.
Do you have a link or is this just a smear campaign to make social conservatives and Free Republic look bad?
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