Mandatory Arabic Classes Coming To Some Texas Schools....’Language Of The Future’
The school administration got (figuratively) beat about the head on this.
The Arabic classes are now optional (until they can make them mandatory
again under cover of night!).
Actually, I’m in favor of an increased pool of native-born Americans
becoming fluent in Arabic. Our Dept. of Defense has had trouble getting
Arabic-speakers/readers to pile through reams of captured documents and
radio/telephone intercepts.
AND one lady quit the Arabic-language section claiming that many of the
co-workers were Islamist-friendly.
It’s good to know what these Islamic wingnuts are saying in Arabic...
and compare that to their sweet words of peace in English.
Yeah but they’re supposedly going to learn “government, culture and art” - sounds like cultural propaganda big time.
And WHO is going to teach all these Arabic classes? They shoudl be taught - if taught at all - by NON-Muslims.
Look, if we are going to be conquering the Islamic world and converting them to Christianity, who better to do the job than a bunch of Texans, who can stand the heat. These kids will be the masters of the Muslims who submit to us.