"Sir, it says here in 2012 your Cholesterol was 200.1 and you were 5 lbs over the national recommended weight for your height. Service denied..."
Nothing along the lines you describe would surprise me in the least. It is exctly the same twisted logic process employed by the Commonwealth of MA to impose mandatory motorcycle helmet and automobile seat belt laws; i.e. - if a citizen fails to wear a helmet or seat belt and suffers an injury, the expense of treatment is borne either by medical insurance (thereby affecting the overall cost of insurance for “the public”) or by the state (ultimately paid for by “the public”). Because such an injury poses a “cost” to “the public”, the government deems itself entitled to act to minimize such costs by mandating the use of helmets and seat belts.
This is a lovely piece of all-purpose politicxal demagoguery that can be fielded to justify just about any intrusion into personal freedoms.