If the USA had stepped in and supported the “demonstrators”, Obama would have been forced to bring in the Military and take charge of the region. This is absolutely something that Obama could not even consider, as well as, something he would not have a clue about how to accomplish.
He took several months just to decide on how many additional troops to send in to Afghanistan. An established military campaign.
“They” aren’t happy with Obama’s lack of response either. I hope I don’t get flamed for linking to Al Jazeera but this opinion piece is linked on the page of the live stream I’ve been watching.
President Obama, say the ‘D-Word’ http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/01/201112811331582261.html
Zero encountered something bigger than him, reacted out of fear, and — as with all skunks — the results stink.