To: Nachum
"Jewish Funds for Justice" is a another name for censorship
2 posted on
01/16/2011 9:03:46 AM PST by
(Lets get dangerous)
To: darkwing104
Any time you see the words “for Justice” in a group name, you can bst they are far left wing.....
8 posted on
01/16/2011 9:09:13 AM PST by
Red Badger
(Whenever these vermin call you an 'idiot', you can be sure that you are doing something right.)
To: darkwing104
I am a Jew and I say, “Go Glenn Go”!
Jews for “justice” are usually PLO/HAMAS/HIZBOLLAH/JIHAD Terror, anarchist supporter type and they can go to “Gehenom”, or hell.
47 posted on
01/16/2011 9:49:54 AM PST by
To: darkwing104
The Bamster’s buttboys, kapos, and Quislings! Maybe they should just cut the shi’ite and sign on with TROP!!!!
128 posted on
01/16/2011 8:50:08 PM PST by
sheik yerbouty
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