Why don't they ban cars?
Its simple really, the left don't care if some leftist gets killed if he is a poor or unfortunated driver. THe left simply doesn't want a person to be able to blow away a leftist libtard who decides he wants whats yours inside your house, or if the wants to kill you or your family for some reason.Thats about the sum of it.EFF THEM, LOL.
“Its simple really, the left don’t care if some leftist gets killed if he is a poor or unfortunated driver. THe left simply doesn’t want a person to be able to blow away a leftist libtard who decides he wants whats yours inside your house, or if the wants to kill you or your family for some reason.Thats about the sum of it.”
You get sergeantdave’s “Succinct Award” of the day.
What is "mentuoned"?
Morepeople die
What kind of people?
bith accidental and intentional shotings
Bith shotings are bad, mmm'kay?
What do you suppose should be the punishment for public illiteracy?