Seems possible.
From the comments of the article.
If a guy is married with children he is not gay but rather bi-sexual. Very prevalent among macho narcistic types lacking a father figure or positive male role model. There is a high rate of bi-sexual activity among black men due to the lack of male role models, dominant female roles, social-stigma and drug use.
Black women have traditionaly raised thier children alone, and have created dominant female roles. The stigma of being a black homosexual is largely socially unacceptable in black communities and even among homosexuals themselves.
It remains well hidden behind the skirt of a trophy dominant female and children. Statistics show that black women were at the largest risk of contracting HIV from their males, due to black male bi-sexuality and clandesdine relationships.
The prevalent drug use has brought out the very worst moral-cultural groups this nation has ever seen, race being a very small factor in comparison to the rise in promiscuity, prostitution, crime, and taboo sexual practices.
Would it surprse me if Barry was bi-sexual? Not in the very least, he fits the profile to an absolute T. In fact, It would be more of a surprise if he wasnt.