Can’t we tie up these new regs in the courts for at least two years until the 2012 elections? Hopefully a Republican appointee can then scuttle them.
Let’s not forget ‘Dust Control’
[ Republicans need to stifle the EPA. ]
And the FDA and the ATF, and the (insert TLA here).
Of course they will be too busy worring about Jebidiah selling stuff at the farmers market to care about china shipping cheap toxic over to sell at wal-mart.
They have been very busy adding “impaired waters” to their ever growing list regulated via TMDLs under the Clean Water Act. Our farmers and ranchers now require a permit to farm, allowing the EPA to dictate how they farm, where they farm, irrigate and graze cattle.
Republicans need to reinstate Article I Section 1: “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States,”
It is unconscionable for Congress to set up little dictatorships to eat out the substance of the people.
They cannot unless American voters know about these issues.
FReepers need to be sending these articles out daily to their email lists.
We cannot allow the MSM to paint the GOP as earth-killers.