Picket ships sound a little like what my dad described as the only time he ever disobeyed a direct order. He fought in Korea - was drafted and after excelling at it was supposed to teach mountain climbing in Austria but the orders got mixed up and he ended up on the front lines in Korea. (I hate it when that happens!)
He doesn’t talk much about Korea but did tell me about a time when his unit was supposed to be a decoy, sacrificed so that some other unit could advance. He said no, he couldn’t do that to his guys. He didn’t get into trouble for it so they must have come up with an alternate move or something, but his conscience wouldn’t allow him to throw away the lives of his men.
My dad is probably the person I am most like in temperament. A bit of the Irish and German like you say, so I suppose it’s probably good I’ve never been in the military. lol. My dad has Parkinson’s and went into a coma for a while a year ago when they goofed up his meds. He’s doing better now and is actually at home for the time being anyway. He told me before the 2008 election that he was scared for the country, scared of what would happen if Obama was elected. He’s always been a fighter; it’s killing him to watch what’s going on.
I think a lot of what Obama is doing is intended to break us. He’s pushing things so fast and furious, and breaking all the things we’ve relied on for confidence and security - just like he would call “torture” if we did it to terrorists. It’s a mind game. I really think it is. It’s geared toward getting us to give up, push us into the black zone.
The beginning of this month showed he’s going to get some push-back. I think the biggest question at this point is whether our economy is in a precarious enough position that Soros can throw the country into chaos when it becomes evident that the people will resist any further descent into tyranny. If he can collapse the world economy we may end up with the apocalyptic scenario GW kept saying would happen if TARP wasn’t passed. The choice for us might be 1) submit and be further and systematically enslaved, or 2) resist and usher in economic collapse and the accompanying martial law when Soros retaliates for the resistance.
I keep hoping I’m just crazy, and that’s not really where we’re at right now at all. I would be the most ecstatic person alive if it turns out I’m way out in left field on this.
Appreciate you post, it made me think of this from the last chapter of the Vampire Economny, Obama is in the position to destroy us all:
The position of the fascist dictators might be compared
to that of Schweik, the “good soldier” in a tale
by Hajek, the Czech writer.
Looking for a place where he could defy his superiors,
Schweik entered a gunpowder magazine. Seating himself
on a keg of gunpowder, he pulled out his pipe and
contentedly began to smoke. But he did not remain undisturbed for long.
The sergeant appeared. Excitedly he
began to berate Schweik and threaten to punish him,
but the sight of a few sparks from Schweik’s pipe halted
Ms tirade. Schweik smiled innocently at the sergeant
and puffed again on the pipe. The sergeant trembled
and changed his tone. In the friendliest manner he tried
to hint that Schweik would really feel much better in
the fresh air. Wouldn’t Schweik take a walk with him?
But Schweik declared that he was quite contented to sit
on the keg of gunpowder smoking his pipe. Schweik
could continue to defy his sergeant not because he was
inherently strong, but because of his position on the
keg of gunpowder. The sergeant represented a gigantic
military machine which Schweik could never have
lioped to overpower. But Schweik could destroy the
whole barracks, the sergeant and all superior officers
with a single spark from hL pipe.
The fascist dictator is in the same position as Schweik.
The preponderant weight of force, both internally and
externally, is against him, but he, like Schweik, with
lighted pipe in hand, is seated on a keg of gunpowder.
The conservative forces which helped the fascist dictator
to power thought they would be able to control
him, but now they do not dare to make use of their
power against him. They know that nothing of the old
system would remain if the structure he has built were
to fall.