Does anyone know WHY Obama is going to India? If you do, please let me know.
Well supposedly it’s to convince all the asian markets to open up for American businesses.
I heard it’s because he snubbed them at the beginning of his reign of terror. Apparently he graced everybody’s doorstep but theirs.
Because there is still money left in his Presidential Vacation budget. (See: So-called 'Stimulus' Bill)
Does anyone know WHY Obama is going to India? If you do, please let me know.
Have been asking this for days....this trip is driving me nuts....How DARE he!
For the same reason Clinton went and Bush went. India is a large trading partner with the U.S. Plus they're visiting all our IT jobs.
He is going to spend millions of dollars to give us maybe 2 jobs.
Well, if we had an honorable forward thinking President with a vision and U.S.A’s long-term best interests at heart, I might have a guess... However that is clearly the OPPOSITE in Hussein’s case.
However, just hypothetically... OK let’s pretend Reagan was still in the W.H... then a valid reason could be that with India’s already huge population and a much higher birth rate than China, it makes perfect sense to stay on their good side, and in fact become BEST OF FRIENDS.
China could easily become our enemy, and if they sent 30 million soldiers over here in tanks someday, we couldn’t stop them. They’re already growing so strong (thanks to our economic help) we could be seeding our own eventual destruction.
By turning to India, and SLOWLY weening off of China’s teat, we might just survive this balancing act.
Tsk, tsk, you know we have to do all we can to make Obama feel important.