Sorry, post got cut.
Final sentence says :
“Open thread for the debate coming at around 7 p.m”
If this is true, Delaware should be nuked !
I fear the rats at the end of the day will return home to their lair. It will all depend on which side will turn out in greater numbers. Expect Obama to scare minorities and their base with losing their “benefits” if they don’t..
The idiots have bewitched her pretty hard and apparently even the idiot running against McMahon in CT is ahead in polls even though she smackdowns him in intelligence.
Sadly, all the media will talk about on November 3rd is how Coons saved the day for the democrats and how Obama scored a victory there because he went and campaigned for him.
O’Donnell can still win if the Dem turnout is low and it is a high turnout for Repubs. She still has to cut that Coons lead in these polls about by half on election day.
This election season is very fluid making it very possible for O’Donnell to come from behind.
If these “polls” are indeed true then Ceaser Rodney wasted his time riding to Philly to vote on Independence. “First” state indeed! Deleware PROVE that you are worthy of “First State”!
I saw the name “Coons” and it took me by surprise. Interesting last name.
Remind me... how many points was coakley ahead of Brown 3 weeks out??
However, Delaware voters do tend to vote Democrat (the 36 year senate career of the infamous Joe Biden is 'Exhibit A') but to elect a hard-core leftist in this political climate is simply irresponsible. It's a given that Christine O'Donnell has to deliver a knockout performance in her debate tonight and I hope the polls are proven wrong and that Republican/Independent turnout is huge on November 2nd. This Coons character is bad news and deserves to lose this contest.
I don’t know about silver linings. However, you mention the money she has raised. It seems to me that she has not really begun to spend that yet. It is also worth noting that most voters here in DE have no idea who Chris Coons is or what he stands for. I am hoping that they will benefit from a $4 million education in the next two weeks. It will certainly come down to turnout here. Her voters are super motivated. Also there is a large group of pissed off voters who may have never voted in a non- presidential year election who will be voting for her. Turnout for the primary was 3x usual for DE. This fact may be confounding the “likely voter” models used by the pollsters. Do not count her out.
Once again, better the Dem than a RINO who will vote Dem and give the Dems cover. We need to CLEARLY align the parties so there is no question who is effing up the world.
This may be a reputable polling firm, but I find it hard to believe O’Donnell still only gets 33% in this latest poll. Basically it is the same ‘hard core’ Republicans and/or conservatives that voted for her in the 2008 race (against Biden).
The Tea Party surge and Republican enthusiam did NOTHING to help out O’Donnell at all? That is not the impression I see on the ground here (even in New Castle county) in DE.
Happy Christinabots. In all honesty maybe it was good at least to get rid of Castle. He is a Jerk for not endorsing. With tha said her marketing is terrible and unless she changes it is too late. Unfortunately, she is not that bright of a person. I am not talking about academically bright, I mean street smart bright. She is not.
Coons hasn’t really polled below +11 since August 5th in 13 separate polls.
If you take the last 5 polls then Coons hasn’t dropped below +16 (and it’s going up for him).
This “new” poll only continues the trend.
You may like O’Donnell (as I do), but those aren’t good numbers for anyone, anytime, any year.
See fo’ yourself:
That being said: S. Brown didn’t get a lead on Coakley until 9 days out. 9 days out, Buddies. And even then it only got to around +5 or so. Never lose hope.
How far behind was she in the primary??
ODonnell got 35.3% of the vote against Biden in 2008 when Obama took the state with 67.8%. Win or lose, she is a winner because she took out a RINO in the primary.
Not sure if this anecdote applies, but I was picking out apples at Maryland grocery store and overheard a middle aged woman emphatically stating to another; I am a Democrat, but I will be voting a straight Republican ticket this time!!!!
Wonder if this voter’s intent is appearing in poll data?
That money is needed more in other races. It's over for her.