But I’m not talking about paying for highways, I’m talking about the toll road. Nearly everyone in the state uses a highway near them at some point during the day/month/year. The same can’t be said for the toll road.
The toll road has never come close to paying for itself and the maintenance costs were astronomical every year. Tolls were going up one way or another because maintenance expenses keep going up.
Tell ya what, in the spirit of FRiendship, I’ll send you a kind donation for the toll road I don’t use if you’ll send me a property tax donation for a house you don’t live in. :D
(A tax, BTW, which is half what it was before Daniels.)
“A tax, BTW, which is half what it was before Daniels.”
Of course the tax is low - for now, after all he cashed out YOUR HIGHWAY and having billions of dollars to play with (from the sale) can even make a Democrat look fiscally responsible. The problem is that he also imposed a HUGE TAX on people that use that highway - once Cintra starts turning the screws, that residents and non-residents will be forced to cough up. We’ll see if his heroin-fix approach to the budget works to fool enough people to think that he’s some kind of a fiscal conservative. Hopefully it won’t and you guys can stew in his damage.