Muslims are. So far we are not. We continue to shed blood in their hellholes by fighting humanely against savages...and we continue to let more into the country. Both GOP and Dem elites continue to “differentiate” - IS THAT WHY WE CONTINUALY SEND BILLIONS TO TERROR SUPPORTING STATES LIKE THOSE IN THE ARABIA PENINSULA AND EGYPT AND TURKEY?
This should be our mantra: the only good muslim is a converted one—converted to Christianity and to sanity.
Exactly...why do we continue to let them in? Do the people in charge actually think they're going to calm down and blend in??? I doubt they think this.
And why don't we start drilling our own oil - while still looking for alternate fuel sources? Why are we playing into the "global" idea when what most of the rest of the world wants from America is our money that we earned by our own initiative -despite zero thinking we stole it from poor Kenyans. Along that line of thinking why doesn't zero think we are stealing from poor Arabs by buying their oil?
And why, after 9/11, did America elect Hussein???? Yeah, it rhymes with insane.