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To: Luke21
And the same idiots that believed the media liars since 2004 and for sixty years before that will believe them again.

Here's where the wild card is. How many people have signed up to FreeRepublic in the last 10 years, saying "I have finally found a place where people believe as I do?" That doesn't count lurkers. Up until the mid- late nineties, there was no medium for conservative political thought, except for Rush, and he only got going in the late eighties. Now we have an internet where the truth can get out, and conservative ideas can get out, so that while Cronkite got away with the lie that Vietnam was unwinnable, Rather couldn't get away with the lie that George W. Bush's superior in the National Guard wrote a bad review.

It will take generations to undo the damage that the Left has done to this country, just as it took generations to do the damage, but the main tool that the Left used to do it, namely exclusive control of the media, is no more. How will that play out? We will have to see, but it ain't over yet.
27 posted on 09/04/2010 1:04:06 AM PDT by fr_freak
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To: fr_freak
“It will take generations to undo the damage that the Left has done to this country, just as it took generations to do the damage, but the main tool that the Left used to do it, namely exclusive control of the media, is no more.”

The saddest thing for me as an old man is to see the lack of common sense and thinking skills that has been taught and reinforced by liberal brainwashing from the schools, the movies, and mass media.

We elected Reagan twice over the howling wolves of the news media. We had no talk radio and no internet then, but we as a people could still see and make decisions. Now we no longer can, in spite of these technological innovations. Most people don't know what we are talking about when we mention a story from F.R. It never gets into the wind tunnel to interact with public opinion.

Even with a large electoral win (with Rino candidates) the left controls all levers of power.

I don't mean to be negative, but 1994 did very little for us. It got the wolves off our throats. That is what we want here.

59 posted on 09/04/2010 9:02:27 AM PDT by Luke21
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