Every now and then we slow the train down. That’s about it.
The reason we can’t reverse course is that the country no longer believes in the value system upon which it was based. Until we reach the breaking point and return to following judeo-Christian beliefs we will not be able to overcome the Islamization of western civilization. They really believe in their religion and we don’t believe in ours. Our religion is now based on self. We are able to save the world. We can control the earth’s temperature. Our kids are taught that we resulted from some random variation in chemicals with no purpose other than to pleasure ourselves. We need the religious awakening soon or liberals will slide us into Islam as a replacement for our current GAIA religion and the Constitution will be gone.
Winning an election is only a small part of what needs to happen.
Small steps by individuals can lead to large steps in the collective. When people jump on cue to the liberal flute, flailing and gnashing that they are not racist, sexist, homophobes, we should gently point out that they are reacting to psychological conditioning. We then model intellectual thinking and questioning for them.
It starts with us. We have to stand against it, one at a time.