And as far as culture war issues go, the left has won on abortion. I doubt that Roe vs. Wade will ever be overturned, and even if it were, it would simply return the abortion issue to state laws. Liberal states would pass laws allowing abortion on demand. Some conservative states might severely restrict or outlaw abortion if Roe were overturned, but abortion on demand would still be the law of the land in much of the country.
And we’re on the verge of seeing federal courts impose homosexual marriage on all 50 states. It may take a few years but the seeds for that one are planted too.
And even if the U.S. Supreme Court overturns the challenges in federal court from Mass. and California, bit by bit we will see liberal states vote to allow homosexual marriage. If society continues on its current track of being more open and accepting of homosexuality, then homosexual marriage will be institutionalized in our culture.
I do not share your bleak outlook. If it was the Supreme Court that ruled on abortion, you might be correct, but I see a constitutional amendment as a way to end the practice.
One of the dirty little secrets about illegal aliens is they are not encouraged to come here because they do jobs that Americans won't do, it is because they are needed to replace the Americans never born because of abortions. Why do they need replacing? Social Security. The politicians of both parties know and understand that Social Security is a ponzi scheme. It only works when you have new people coming into the scheme. Since Roe v Wade this nations has been killing those that are needed to support the scheme.
If I remember correctly it only requires 31 states to ratify an amendment.
I think same sex marriage can be handled in the same way. The American people do not want same sex marriage. The ruling elite want it.
History is full of examples of what happens when even dictatorships push more than the citizens can accept.
You know, I never even mentioned abortion. I kept my rant to the developments since 1989, and the onset of P.C. slavery. You are quite correct. Abortion is gone. It is over. We need to fight somewhere else.
The good news is the women of the country aren’t all that fond of abortion. It is still regarded as shameful. They can have it legal, but they can’t change that.
No. By my count 29 states would outlaw abortion in the first post-Roe year -- even the Left has outright conceded 22 and put 12 'on the fence'. That's 34 -- what does that tell you?