This is the most amazing story ...
But ...
The Socialist Party of America
code for:
Communist Party of America
As I posted before, in 1969 when a top Czechoslovakia security force agent (KGB) defected to the UK, he informed MI5 that there were about 60 members of Parliament giving information to Russia or Czechoslovakia, as they were open or secret (hidden) members of the Communist Party of Great Britain.
Additionally, there were several more in the House of Lords and one or two cabinet members, as well as many jouronlists and even a few newspaper editors. Sound like us ???????.
Many of the ones interviewed lied and denied it, some admitted it, but years later when KGB records came out of Moscow all were seen to have been , indeed , KGB agents.
It seemed at the time absolutely unbelievable, but now is not even discussed or noticed any more.
Read “Too Secret Too Long” and all his other books by Chapman Pincher who is still alive at age 93 and has just released one final book on the subject (he is that outraged by the lies and the treason of these people ...) .
Out of 650 Members 60 were agents !!!
Sound like us?
There is no need to be a conspiracy theorist, the facts came out in 1990 and many more have since admitted it and indeed bragged about it since they were “Progressives” and “social justice” was needed.
Ditto Sobel (friend and agent of the Rosenbergs), the New Republic editor, IF Stone, Morris, the Keeper of the Queen’s Pictures Blunt, and many icons of the left.
Some regret it but most brag about it just like that flag stompin’ POS Ayers and his shrew wife Dohrn.
Why doesn’t every single Repub ad use this information when running against these POS sssssssss ???
NONE of these people are honorable ...
Card carrying communists is what they are.
Only seventy?
I figured it was closer to 250.
70 avowed socialists in U.S. Congress
It’s sobering to realize how many of these pukes get major “face time”
on major TV networks.
Well, except when they come on to FOX and get challenged and publically
outed regarding their Communistic agenda.
A relative that lives outside the USA a family member (in the USA)
recently. She actually got exposed to FOX (not available back home).
She said she “got a perspective” not available back home.
Damn gerrymandering of districts!