That is one typical, pu$$y politician mayor, obviously scared of the mohammedans. Does Sweden have it’s own version of the JDL or is in need of creating one quickly? I would hope Americans would support it so the Jews of Sweden can protect themselves from the hordes of ROP members who practice what they preach (sic). The Jews of Sweden are the easy target of these walking pieces of human excrement; they’ll go after the Swedes as soon as their numbers rise to the point where the Swedes start becoming fully intimidated. Nothing like European socialism to lull you into a false sense of security from cradle to grave while your politicians continue to allow parasitical muslim welfare recipients to further destroy their civilization. Civil war will becoming to Europe as those who wish to fight this invasion/onslaught defend what’s left of Western civilization; maybe the Jews are wisest to leave first?
Does Sweden have its own version of the JDL or is in need of creating one quickly?
Not to my knowldge. Then again, I haven't been back to Malmo(stan) since my grandmother died in 2006. Nice American rabbi, but the place is intolerable. Too prompted to take an action that would make me a martyred political prisoner.
This is why I despise leftists and libtard Jews who support the other side. In fact, I hate open border Jews as the useful idiots too.
That or he is an anti-Semite himself.