Scientific herds all mindlessly running the same direction (usually chasing grant money these days) always remind me of Einstein’s reaction when told that a pamphlet entitled “100 Authors Against Einstein” had been published: “If I were wrong, one would have been enough.”
Every prediction of the anthropogenic theory has been falsified, and the only “proof” ever offered of its validity as a causal theory were computer models. It’s wrong. One scientist pointing that out is enough.
I take it the survey didn’t bother asking any Russian climatologists, virtually all of whom think AGW is rot, that the sun is the main driver, and that we’re likely heading for an ice age.
RE: Einstein comment - yep.
When Gore bought his new house near sea level the hoax was exposed.
Of course computer models only model what they are told to model. Modeling the atmosphere and the oceans is something that we do not presently haed the capability to do. So I don’t accept AGW. Especially when politicians who do accept it want my tax money and a lower standard of living for all US citizens as the price.