Oh dear.....be careful and hope it’s OK!
He was coiling the hose and it stopped coming. He yanked on it, and as he jerked it towards him, he caught the back of his hand on one of the nails he hangs the hose nozzles on....not too much blood, but lots of possibilities for infection if we didn't get it cleaned out really well and there seemed to be several rips and tears.
We learned something...peroxide is out. Cleaning was done with sterile water with a bit of salt in it. The very tall lady doc then came and spread that dark color cleaner stuff, the same as when you give blood, I think, all over the wound and proceeded to use a q-tip to fold back all the skin and rearrange it back to where it should be. It doesn't look anything like what we originally saw. Then she took a glue stick and proceeded to glue all the edges. Job done.
Oh...he had to have a tetanus shot, BUT, because he is 87, we had to wait for the pharmacy to deliver a senior shot. Regular tetanus shots are for ages 11-64.