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To: Free ThinkerNY
Well plugs...since it’s a success and your bringing the troops home....instead of a handshake and kick out the door....put them on the border when they get here.
2 posted on
07/05/2010 11:47:58 AM PDT by
(President Robert Gibbs 2009-2013)
To: Free ThinkerNY
Biden belongs in a prison or a mental ward along with zero.
3 posted on
07/05/2010 11:48:02 AM PDT by
(Something really stinks In The Federal Government/Mafia and I think it's BO!)
To: Free ThinkerNY
Joe Bite me Ailis Baghdad bob
4 posted on
07/05/2010 11:48:09 AM PDT by
(Obama lied pelicans died)
To: Free ThinkerNY
“American people will see President Barack Obamas Iraq policy as a success”
5 posted on
07/05/2010 11:48:14 AM PDT by
To: Free ThinkerNY
"That will be noticeable that theyre home." Yeah. In the unemployment lines. Barry flushed their chances of getting civilian jobs.
6 posted on
07/05/2010 11:49:21 AM PDT by
("A republic, if you can keep it." - Benjamin Franklin, 1787)
To: Free ThinkerNY
that they got 95,000 people home
they will use this as employment rises.
7 posted on
07/05/2010 11:49:50 AM PDT by
(Obama lied pelicans died)
To: Free ThinkerNY
Is Joe smokin’ (bad) dope again?
9 posted on
07/05/2010 12:06:21 PM PDT by
Road Warrior ‘04
(I miss President Bush greatly! Palin in 2012! 2012 - The End Of An Error! (Oathkeeper))
To: Free ThinkerNY
Vice President Joe Biden said after a three-day trip to Baghdad that the American people will see President Barack Obamas Iraq policy as a success when the combat mission ends on schedule Aug. 31. Biden said the administration will be able to point to it and say, We told you what were going to do, and we did it. Obama inherited the Iraq success.
10 posted on
07/05/2010 12:21:55 PM PDT by
To: Free ThinkerNY
He's not BSing the Iraqis. Or us either. The Iraqis named a street in Baghdad
George W. Bush Boulevard.
And when Field Marshal Gen. Petreaus fixes Afghanistan, there will be a street named after him too.
Since those written languages look like graffiti in a NY subway toilet stall, maybe I can learn to read them.
11 posted on
07/05/2010 12:25:33 PM PDT by
To: Free ThinkerNY
There can’t be much arrogance or hypocrisy in the general population. The left has it ALL!! After attacking the war for years and declaring it LOST, Hussein and his buffoon VP want to claim credit for victory. Incredible, ain’t it.
To: Free ThinkerNY
It makes perfect sense in ObamaWorld: Iraq is an Obama success and the economy is a Bush failure. It’s so clear to me now.
14 posted on
07/05/2010 12:27:54 PM PDT by
(Real presidents don't bow.)
To: Free ThinkerNY
Obama had NOTHING to do with the victory in Iraq.
Iraq was won before the 2008 election.
Otherwise, Obama would have screwed it up.
Obama is such a failure that these scumbags are trying to grab onto anything that they can claim as a success - but Obama had nothing whatsoever to do with Iraq.
Even if he'd wanted to (and he didn't), he simply doesn't have what it takes.
Iraq is Bush's victory. And Petraeus's.
15 posted on
07/05/2010 12:33:04 PM PDT by
(My seventh chakra is oppressed.)
To: Free ThinkerNY
You can count on Mikey Allen from leftico to peddle such utter fifthly lies for his Marxists and the stooge.
Mikey wife is a Dem Party employee and she sends these faxes over to MIkey to publish between his water gun fights and BBQ with Biden and the Commie.
Seriously Mikey had a water gun fight with the village idiot VP two weeks ago and attended the Commie's 4th of July event !
17 posted on
07/05/2010 12:37:53 PM PDT by
To: Free ThinkerNY
Vice President Joe Biden said after a three-day trip to Baghdad that the American people will see President Barack Obamas Iraq policy as a success when the combat mission ends on schedule Aug. 31. Biden said the administration will be able to point to it and say, We told you what were going to do, and we did it. Except you "we" folk said you were going to do it the first thing 0bama is elected. That means you're gonna be about 22 months passed the "able to point to it" point, Joe.
As though ANYone in history, save a few ultra-left 0bama suck-ups will credit anything in Iraq to *0bama's policy* re. Please already.
To: Free ThinkerNY
What a freaking joke these people are.
Sick beyond belief.
They hinder the war effort for years, then take credit for the war actually being won by others prior to taking office.
25 posted on
07/05/2010 1:14:32 PM PDT by
(Thank a member of the US armed forces for their sacrifice)
To: Free ThinkerNY
Barry inheirted the success Joe!
To: Free ThinkerNY
Whaddaya wanna bet that if things go bad after we leave, it will suddenly revert to “Bush’s Failed War in Iraq”....?
28 posted on
07/05/2010 1:19:03 PM PDT by
To: Free ThinkerNY
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Obama calls for immediate withdrawal from Iraq
Associated Press
CLINTON, Iowa Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is calling for the immediate withdrawal of all U.S. combat brigades from Iraq, with the pullout being completed by the end of next year.
“Let me be clear: There is no military solution in Iraq and there never was,” Obama said in excerpts of the speech provided to The Associated Press.
“The best way to protect our security and to pressure Iraq’s leaders to resolve their civil war is to immediately begin to remove our combat troops. Not in six months or one year now,” the Illinois senator says.
31 posted on
07/05/2010 1:23:13 PM PDT by
To: Free ThinkerNY
He sees pixies and stuff like that too.
To: Free ThinkerNY
Did Harry Weed get the memo?
39 posted on
07/05/2010 1:43:34 PM PDT by
(There are a lot of bad Republicans but there are no good Democrats.--Ann Coulter)
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