I guess. Victory in Afghanistan may still seem hollow, though, if this country continues to rot at the head regardless.
Independents move toward Republicans, away from Obama
The Obama fade among independents that is apparent in the Gallup data is all the more striking given the success he had in winning over that crucial voting bloc in 2008. Obama carried independents, who comprised three in every ten voters, by eight points over Sen. John McCain -- a turnaround from four years earlier, when Sen. John Kerry (D) took 49 percent of independents to 48 percent for incumbent George W. Bush.
Don't be so glum, chum. In a number of states independents outnumber both pubbies and rats.
The rats did so well in Congress starting in 2006 in large measure because they have given up their gun grabbing in D.C. It wasn't conservatives staying home in 2006 and 2008. Moderates and independents shifted left starting in 2006. While the rats haven't resumed gun grabbing, votes for Sotomayor and possibly Kagan excepted, their performance in D.C. has been abysmal.
“Victory in Afghanistan may still seem hollow, though, if this country continues to rot at the head regardless.”
Survey reveals high-school students views on American citizenship