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Economic Outlook: Worsening picture in the US
Financial Times ^
| Sunday June 27, 2010
| Jack Farchy
Posted on 06/27/2010 7:53:28 PM PDT by Bigtigermike
Investors will this week be bracing themselves for signs that the US recovery is slowing, as a slew of economic data on the worlds largest economy is expected to paint a downbeat picture.
However, they face a challenge disentangling the effects of the removal of government stimulus programmes from the scale of the private sector recovery. One area of concern is the housing sector. Last week, markets were buffeted by data showing that new home sales at a 40-year low in May.
That follows the expiry of temporary tax incentives; but economists will be looking to see whether the sector can survive without a government prop.
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TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: economy; elections; obama; socialism
To: Bigtigermike
No worries...the president will look for his answers at the golf course.
To: Bigtigermike
You wanna knock off the Front Page spamming?
To: Bigtigermike
U.S. recovery? Guess that one got past me somehow.
posted on
06/27/2010 8:01:12 PM PDT
To: Bigtigermike; 70th Division; T.L.Sink; justiceseeker93; freekitty; MamaDearest; seekthetruth; ...
Our economy is in the toilet bowl by design courtesy of this Socialist President and his cohorts in Congress and the anti-Americans in his Regime. Who needs foreign enemies when we have home-grown ones in political office?
posted on
06/27/2010 8:02:38 PM PDT
(Take back our country on November 2, 2010.)
To: ExTexasRedhead
“Our economy is in the toilet bowl by design courtesy of this Socialist President and his cohorts in Congress and the anti-Americans in his Regime. “
I can't tell for sure whether the disaster that is the Obama administration is such because they are deviously trying to sink the US, or because they are blinded into stupidity by their pathetic ideology. In the end, it may not matter.
To: Bigtigermike
That follows the expiry of temporary tax incentives; but economists will be looking to see whether the sector can survive without a government prop. The more the gov't 'props' around, the worse things get. These half ass knee jerk reactions in lieu of any sensible stable long term policies are one of the main reasons the business sector is shutting down. Freaken morons. There is never any telling what the next stupid fix is going to resemble this week.
posted on
06/27/2010 8:06:41 PM PDT
(11 September 2001 - Never forget)
To: Bigtigermike
All the HOPE & CHANGE you can stomachOur communist President is going full flank speed to run the great ship America on the reefs of destruction & bankruptcy.
And this IS HIS DESIRE & PLAN BTW, whatever he is but he is no fool and everything he does is designed to destroy.
posted on
06/27/2010 8:07:09 PM PDT
(0Bama = 1 illegal president = 32 illegal, unconstitutional & unnecessary CZARS to do his job!!)
To: ExTexasRedhead
posted on
06/27/2010 8:11:32 PM PDT
To: prophetic
posted on
06/27/2010 8:12:29 PM PDT
To: Bigtigermike
“Hey!” says the financial genius Obama, “why don’t I say terrible things about businesses and pass draconian taxes on them which will really inhibit growth. Yeah, that ought to do it.” (smirk)
posted on
06/27/2010 8:43:07 PM PDT
(For long term happiness, learn how to play the accordion.)
To: Bigtigermike
posted on
06/27/2010 8:47:28 PM PDT
To: Bigtigermike
But Biden said this was going to be “recovery summer”...
posted on
06/27/2010 9:09:15 PM PDT
(Boot to command line and run chkdsk)
To: Bigtigermike
However, they face a challenge disentangling the effects of the removal of government stimulus programmes from the scale of the private sector recovery...not really much of a problem -the new housing market fell 33% last month after the 8k tax credit for buying a house lapsed the previous month - what ever recovery there's been so far has all been artificially produced by government spending, which can not continue - and for which we will be paying for years to come - Obama economics are just one more Ponzi scheme.....
To: Bigtigermike
I have a very bad feeling that nothing will improve until Obama is removed from office. Business cannot make any moves due to the uncertainties of this administration. The process starts in 2010. Conservatives/Republicans must capture at least one house of Congress. Two would be even better. In this way and only in this way will the madness stop. However I will issue the warning I said some time ago. If Obama loses at least one house of Congress, he will freak. He will start issuing executive orders like a Caesar and he will cause a Constitutional Crisis.
For those of you who know people who voted for Obama, don't let them forget how foolish they were. Emphasize how they were fooled and try to guide them on how not to get fooled again. That ought to be the theme song for 2010 & 2012, "Won't get fooled again" by the Who.
posted on
06/27/2010 9:18:29 PM PDT
(Good intentions are not enough.)
To: truthguy
Except that the GOP is so tone deaf, they are losing the battle.
Many people don't trust the GOP, even though they don't like Obama, because the perception is that the Republican party is just for “big (fill in the blank)”.
posted on
06/27/2010 10:19:46 PM PDT
("God is dead" -- Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" -- God.)
To: Bigtigermike
Once the housing stimulus ended it was a forgone conclusion that the numbers would drop. Anytime you front load consumption the result will be the same. Since they hadn’t been actually robust with govt help the resulting plummet should have been expected.
Getting the numbers up will take quite awhile.
posted on
06/27/2010 11:20:39 PM PDT
(Government owned slave.)
To: ExTexasRedhead

posted on
06/28/2010 12:12:45 AM PDT
(The piss-stream media - Never to be watched again in my house)
To: redgolum
Voting against the unemployment extension sure didn’t help the perception. Dumb move.
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