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The Law? How Quaint!
National Review ^ | 6/25/2010 | Victor Davis Hanson

Posted on 06/25/2010 6:37:19 AM PDT by Servant of the Cross

We are well into revolutionary times, but perhaps not in the way we traditionally think of political upheaval. Instead, insidiously, the law itself is becoming negotiable — or rather, it is becoming subservient to what elite overseers at any given time determine is a higher calling of social change.

Of course, progressive federal judges have been creating, rather than interpreting, law for decades. Yet seldom in memory have we seen such a systematic attack on our framework of laws as the present assault from the executive branch.

Federal immigration statutes mandate a clearly defined American border, which aliens may not cross without authorization. Yet the Obama administration not only does not fully enforce those statutes (in this regard, it is not behaving much differently from the prior administration), but also is preparing to sue the state of Arizona for implementing enforcement that follows the intent of neglected federal laws on the books. Apparently, the president believes that enforcement of existing law is a bargaining chip that can be used to obtain “comprehensive immigration reform” — a euphemism for blanket amnesty.

Other states and even cities are now marching in lockstep to boycott Arizona. Meanwhile, the president of Mexico recently blasted Arizonans from the White House Rose Garden, no less, apparently counting on the president of the United States to go along with this demonization of one of his own states. All this is eerie; it has a whiff of the climate of the late 1850s, when the federal government was in perpetual conflict with the states, which in turn were in conflict with one another, and which often appealed to foreign nations for support.

Recently, as if on cue, the secretary of labor, Hilda Solis, produced a video advising workers to contact her office should they feel that they have been shorted wages by their employers. Fair enough. But then she goes on to explicitly include workers who are not documented and to promise them confidentiality, i.e., de facto federal protection for their illegality: “Every worker has a right to be paid fairly, whether documented or not.”

“Undocumented” is part of the current circumlocution for breaking federal law and residing here illegally. In short, although Solis is a federal executive sworn to uphold existing federal law, she has decided which laws suit her and which do not. She rightly promises to pursue lawbreaking employers, but quite wrongly not to pursue lawbreaking employees.

Yet when we become unequal before the law, the entire notion of a lawful society starts to erode. If Secretary Solis has decided that lawbreaking aliens can in confidence count on her protection, then can those who don’t pay their taxes (perhaps citing some sort of prejudice) likewise find exemption from Treasury Secretary Geithner? Can citizens pick and chose their particular compliances — run red lights, but still want shoplifters arrested? Break the speed limit, but insist that cars stop at crosswalks? Do questions of race, class, and gender determine the degree to which the federal government considers enforcing existing law?

Recently in Port Chester, N.Y., a federal judge made a mockery of the concept of one man, one vote. Apparently the magistrate felt that Hispanics in Port Chester needed help to elect someone with whom they can identify along racial lines. So, to ensure the election of an Hispanic to the village Board of Trustees, the judge created a system of cumulative voting. Each voter was given six votes, and the explicit hope was that Hispanics would give all their votes to Hispanic candidates, voting on the basis of race rather than policy. Now we hear this may well become a precedent that the federal government will use to ensure diversity elsewhere.

When an “Hispanic” was duly elected as one of the six trustees, the judge and other observers were pleased that Hispanic voters had achieved the intended result. There was no thought, of course, about what constituted “Hispanic.” Does it require three-quarters Hispanic blood? One-half? One-quarter? One-eighth? Does Puerto Rican count, but not Spanish? Mexican, but not Portuguese or Basque? There was also no thought about whether such racial pigeonholing was good for the country. After all, focusing on race, while violating the cherished notion of each citizen enjoying one — and only one — vote, might also conjure up some disturbing memories from our not-too-distant past.

BP has acted in derelict fashion in the Gulf. But that does not justify the Obama administration’s decision — without a court order and without legislation passed by Congress — to ignore past legal precedent capping oil-company liability. Instead, this administration promises to “kick ass” and put a “boot on their necks” until BP coughs up, say, $20 billion in reparations. If a president by fiat can demand $20 billion from a corporation to create a payout fund, why not $30 or perhaps $100 billion? Or better yet, in South American style, why not simply nationalize BP altogether?

We saw something like this before from the Obama administration, when it bailed out the bankrupt Chrysler Corporation and by executive order overturned the legally determined order of creditors. “Senior” creditors were to have been, by contract, the first paid, while junior creditors waited in line. But the latter group included union workers. So Obama derided the senior lenders as “speculators” and simply put his own constituents and campaign donors in front of them. The first sign of a debauched society is that it does not honor contracts, but reinterprets them according to perceived political advantage.

Now there is talk of an executive decree from the Environmental Protection Agency to implement provisions of cap-and-trade legislation that Congress will not pass. Republican senators are already worried that the administration will likewise simply begin to grant amnesty to illegal aliens en masse, without introducing such a proposal to Congress, which alone has the right and responsibility to make our laws. And the recent executive order to ban all offshore drilling in the Gulf clearly circumvented the legal process. (Does the government have the right to shut down every flight if one airplane crashes, or to mothball all nuclear plants should one leak?) Instead of putting a moratorium on the sort of deep-drilling procedure and pipe fittings that BP used, the Obama administration simply issued a blanket ban on all offshore drilling — as if the real intent was not to allow the crisis of an oil spill to go to waste in the larger environmental effort to reduce carbon emissions.

What do all these ends-justify-the-means examples portend? Mostly, they reflect an effort by a technocratic class to implement social change through extralegal means if it finds that its agenda does not meet with public approval. In some sense, the Obamians have lost all faith that our democracy shares their vision, and so they seek to impose their exalted will by proclamation — as if they are the new Jacobins and America is revolutionary France throwing off the old order.

In late 2008, the liberal hope was that an elected President Obama, with large Democratic majorities in both the Senate and the House, could do just about whatever he wanted. But then a number of obstacles arose, from occasionally recalcitrant Democratic legislators to bothersome things like filibusters. In response, Obama was not content with achieving his liberal ends, but sought to change the very means of obtaining them; even New York Times columnists suddenly resented the calcification of American politics, and pointed to the ease with which dictatorial China can simply impose green change.

Note the logic of all this. Federal officials determine a supposed good and then find the necessary way to achieve it. The law be damned. “Diversity,” unions, environmentalism — any of these anointed causes trumps the staid idea of simply following the letter of the law.

The final irony? It was law professor Obama who campaigned on respect for the rule of law as he serially trashed elements of the Bush administration’s war on terror — almost all of which he subsequently kept or expanded. Note how what was deemed illegal before 2009 has suddenly become quite legal and worthy of emulation and indeed expansion.

As Obama’s polls continue to erode and congressional support for his agenda further dwindles, expect his cabinet to continue to seek ways around the enforcement of existing law. You see, in the current climate, the law is seen as retrograde, an obstacle to the advancement of long-overdue social change — which is to be implemented by a law professor and a past fierce critic of George Bush’s supposed constitutional transgressions.

While the media still rail about fanciful threats to constitutional stability from right-wing Tea Party types, we are getting real usurpation — but with a hope-and-change smile.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: law; quaint; victordavishanson
As Obama’s polls continue to erode and congressional support for his agenda further dwindles, expect his cabinet to continue to seek ways around the enforcement of existing law. You see, in the current climate, the law is seen as retrograde, an obstacle to the advancement of long-overdue social change — which is to be implemented by a law professor and a past fierce critic of George Bush’s supposed constitutional transgressions.

While the media still rail about fanciful threats to constitutional stability from right-wing Tea Party types, we are getting real usurpation — but with a hope-and-change smile.

Long, but more than worth the time.

1 posted on 06/25/2010 6:37:21 AM PDT by Servant of the Cross
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To: Servant of the Cross

2 posted on 06/25/2010 6:41:46 AM PDT by Diogenesis (Article IV - Section 4 - The United States shall protect each of them against Invasion)
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To: Servant of the Cross
A fine article from Dr. Hanson.

The Kenyan Clown's contempt for and mockery of our legal system, where the executive branch is supposed to faithfully execute the laws duly enacted by Congress, is the most shameful episode in the history of this nation's constitutional system.

3 posted on 06/25/2010 6:47:19 AM PDT by snowsislander (In this election year, please ask your candidates if they support repeal of the 1968 GCA.)
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To: Admin Moderator
please lock; duplicate, by less than 4 minutes.

4 posted on 06/25/2010 6:48:00 AM PDT by Servant of the Cross (the Truth will set you free)
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To: Diogenesis

I would be most grateful if someone would explain to me why the failure of a president to ensure that the laws are faithfully executed is not an impeachable offense!

5 posted on 06/25/2010 6:49:14 AM PDT by Bigun ("It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." Voltaire)
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To: Servant of the Cross

I think that if we cannot get Obama impeached with a new Congress, he will have to go via other means.

6 posted on 06/25/2010 6:52:50 AM PDT by thethirddegree
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To: snowsislander
Ah, but the predictable result of pernicious affirmative action. Men of measure--like Thomas Sowell or Clarence Thomas--are maligned by the liberalati, while shiftless socialist affirmative action promotees are risen to high office where they are clueless and feckless, and so very dangerous to a Republic. ... When excellence is eshewed for 'social engineering, the result abortys a We The People Republic.

No nation can survive leadership by the lazy, low-average promotees. The military learned that lesson more than a hundred years ago, but the socialist scum have taken the Democrat party and made it the home of mediocrity and racial 'fairness'. And thereby, made their stealth racism the norm to support 'affirmative action', which is neither affirmative nor generative but rather negative and degenerative toward the 'special treatment' race.

7 posted on 06/25/2010 6:55:11 AM PDT by MHGinTN (Obots, believing they cannot be deceived, it is impossible to convince them when they are deceived.)
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Very well stated! Your description of the mediocrity of 0bama and the libs reminded me of a Mark Steyn article this week: The Epitome of Mediocrity.
8 posted on 06/25/2010 6:58:49 AM PDT by Servant of the Cross (the Truth will set you free)
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To: Servant of the Cross
We are well into revolutionary times,

That's a heck of an opener from a very intelligent man. He has a grasp of 3000 years of history, and he understands the underpinings of this country very well. And he says we're well into revolutionary times.

I say that all the time -- but who cares about my opinion? VDH is a Somebody, and now he's saying it too.

9 posted on 06/25/2010 7:00:41 AM PDT by ClearCase_guy
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To: thethirddegree


10 posted on 06/25/2010 7:06:37 AM PDT by antisocial (Texas SCV - Deo Vindice)
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To: Bigun
I would be most grateful if someone would explain to me why the failure of a president to ensure that the laws are faithfully executed is not an impeachable offense!

It's apparent that removal from office through impeachment and conviction is a purely political process and thus not feasible without a supermajority of the opposing party in the senate. Laws or principles that may have been broken count for little now.

11 posted on 06/25/2010 7:07:28 AM PDT by Menehune56 ("Let them hate so long as they fear" (Oderint Dum Metuant), Lucius Accius, (170 BC - 86 BC))
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To: Diogenesis


12 posted on 06/25/2010 7:11:22 AM PDT by vanilla swirl (Where is the Black Regiment?)
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To: Menehune56
It's apparent that removal from office through impeachment and conviction is a purely political process and thus not feasible without a supermajority of the opposing party in the senate. Laws or principles that may have been broken count for little now.

The it is incumbent upon us to ensure that we have just such a supermajority!

13 posted on 06/25/2010 7:11:43 AM PDT by Bigun ("It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." Voltaire)
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To: Bigun


14 posted on 06/25/2010 7:12:39 AM PDT by Bigun ("It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." Voltaire)
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To: Servant of the Cross

One of Hansen’s most important columns ever.

15 posted on 06/25/2010 7:12:47 AM PDT by fightinJAG (Obama: "I will gladly pay you on Tuesday for a hamburger today.")
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To: Servant of the Cross

Lessons from Dead White Guys

There are (says Euripides) three Virtues worthy of our meditation; To honour God, our Parents who begat us, and the Common Laws of Greece:

No learning so excellent (says Coke) both for Prince and Subject as knowledge of Lawes; and no knowledge of any Lawes, (I speake of humane) so necessary for all estates, and for all causes, concerning goods, lands, or life, as the Common Lawes of England. If the beauty of other Countries be faded and wasted with bloudy Warres, thanke God for the admirable peace wherein this Realme hath long flourished under the due administration of these Lawes: If thou readest of the tyranny of other Nations, wherein powerfull will and pleasure stands for Law and Reason, and where upon conceit of mislike, men are suddenly poysoned, or otherwise murthered, and never called to answer; Praise God for the Justice of thy gracious Soveraigne, who (to the Worlds admiration,) governeth her people by Gods goodnesse in peace and prosperity by these Lawes, and punisheth not the greatest offendor, no, though his offence be crimen laese Majestatis, Treason against her sacred person, but by the just and equall proceedings of Law.

Let every American (says Lincoln), every lover of liberty, every well wisher to his posterity, swear by the blood of the Revolution, never to violate in the least particular, the laws of the country; and never to tolerate their violation by others. As the patriots of seventy-six did to the support of the Declaration of Independence, so to the support of the Constitution and Laws, let every American pledge his life, his property, and his sacred honor;—let every man remember that to violate the law, is to trample on the blood of his father, and to tear the character of his own, and his children’s liberty. Let reverence for the laws, be breathed by every American mother, to the lisping babe, that prattles on her lap—let it be taught in schools, in seminaries, and in colleges; let it be written in Primers, spelling books, and in Almanacs;—let it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislative halls, and enforced in courts of justice. And, in short, let it become the political religion of the nation; and let the old and the young, the rich and the poor, the grave and the gay, of all sexes and tongues, and colors and conditions, sacrifice unceasingly upon its altars.

16 posted on 06/25/2010 7:13:54 AM PDT by ALPAPilot
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