I - and I hate to sound critical of my parents - consider the first two of my three high school years to have been a the waste other than Saxon and some of my enrichment activities. The curriculum she used for me was fairly useless. What good it did was in essays I wrote or books read; most of the assignments were a waste. My last year of high school we figured that out, transitioned me to community college, and spent the year reading things like the writings of the Founding Fathers and writing essays and research papers. Much more useful, but not what we could have achieved.
I personally love Saxon and plan to use it with my kids but I know not everyone does.
It’s going to be really interesting for me starting to homeschool; my parents’ new kids (adopted from foster care) are 18 months and 3 years older than my daughter. I might steal resources from my mom, or suggest different ones for her.
JenB, Am so sorry for getting back to your answer so late - have been out of town for the last few days - Saxon was good for introducing my daughter to math concepts but about middle school was when she got bored with their method and I had a very difficult time finding another math program that she could jump into and encourage her developement. The Key To series worked very well for that time period I think, although we didnt cover everything. Right now am looking to get her into dual-credit classes as well. Will you be using the Well Trained Mind curriculum ie classical training? I love the Story of the World series. Have been raving about them to a relative who is pulling her child out for homeschooling. Ive also discovered K12 online.