For 147 assault weapons and 10,000 rounds of ammo, what do you think the average US citizen would be sentenced for the same thing? This limp little slap on the wrist sure doesn't equate to punishment designed to discourage this from happening again, does it? Also, it smacks of media irresponsibility because here we have illegals transporting weapons INTO the USA instead of the way Hillary, Calderon and the rest of the democrat anti-gun movement wants us to believe is the usual weapons smuggling methodology.
I wonder which city these assault rifles were going to be used against? Or, what terror cell were they supplying or what mosque were they headed to where they will be stored in their steel-lined basement?
I wonder which city these assault rifles were going to be used against? Or, what terror cell were they supplying or what mosque were they headed to where they will be stored in their steel-lined basement?
Well, if it’s anything like the Waco massacre and I don’t think they had many weapons if any, you just get killed.
Can’t remember just why they went after Waco families. Too much praying?
Weird ways? Wrong religion? Distraction from something going on elsewhere?
To all who wonder what a U.S. citizen would get for similar activity.
Up to five years and a 250,000 fine, PER VIOLATION!
If the weapons were transferred to person under 18 years of age, the prison sentence could be TEN years per violation.
So a U.S citizen would be looking at 735 to 1470 years in prison.
No wonder the illegals feel free to flaunt our laws, they know any punishment will be insignificant compared to what a citizen would be risking.
Then they get sent home, and commit the crime again, repeat until they are wealthy enough to buy a nice hacienda and some young peasant girls to %$#@&!
Our government is upside down!