“You may if you like, but there are many Orthodox anti-Zionist Jews.”
Not a lot, but certainly some, and certainly with a defensible viewpoint (no Israel, until the Messiah).
I’ve never met a non-Jewish anti-zionist, however, who wasn’t really anti-semetic trying to disguish his or her true viewpoint -— I am not saying they don’t exist, however.
Pat B is clearly an anti-semite.
Ron Paul? Not sure. He is certainly only consistently isolationist when it comes to Israel.
I don’t think RP is anti-Semitic in the least. Where I believe he gets himself into trouble is that he has a non-interventionist foreign policy vision, but no real idea of how to get from here to there responsibly. We would doubtless have been better off with a foreign policy that had consistently followed the principles in Washington’s Farewell Address, but those principles haven’t been followed for over 100 years, and there are a number of conflicts that need to be defused or resolved before we can respnsibly reduce our intervention. The ME is a good example. If we simply, in figurative terms, pack up and go home there would probably be a horrible all-out war. What is needed in every area of our foreign policy is a plan for reducing our intervention (and aid) in as many parts of the world as possible. But it may well be that for the foreseeable future we will have no alternative but to be aggressively engaged in the ME on the side of Israel if we want peace there. One of many things that worry me about the current administration is that the Muslims are probably coming to believe that Obama won’t really defend Israel.