I was surprised to read that the ambassador sent flowers to the funeral, but I have NO idea what state protocol is in criminal homocide matters????
As far as reporting it.... well, I think that we will see the press scraping for ANYTHING to report, and I suspect that soon the Peruvian public may be helping out that poor ol' foreign press, ya know??
I suspect that Peru doesn't yet realize that this will be reported nightly, even hourly, in the USA, Aruba, Holland, etc. for quite some long long long time.
Some pundit on tv said Peru’s justice system is very slow. It may take two or more years for vanderSloot to come to trial. So we may be hearing and seeing this case every night for the next 2 plus years.
This same pundit also said that it would be highly unlikely for Peru to turn him over to the U.S. for trial on fraud and extortion before trying him for the murder; Peru doesn’t trust that it would get him back.
Even if, God forbid, Peru does not convict him, he will have had two or more years in a gawd-awful prison he won’t be too happy in, and the U.S. will get a crack at trying him on those lesser charges. I’m hoping that Peru does convict him. It doesn’t really matter if he comes to the U.S. to face charges. A very long, possibly life sentence, in a Peruvian prison is good enough punishment overall for all the evil he has wrought.