Obama does not believe in law unless it benefits him. This is SEIU being backed by Obama and they feel invincible.
I would bring charges on every person shown in that video who went on my private property. I would be so ticked off that my son was in the house scared they would be lucky they did not get a shotgun up their A** like Mayor Daley suggests.
obama as liar in chief should be speaking out against this form of protest. But he wants it this way. Divide and conquer!
I think Obama kinda liked being “the only thing standing between you (AIG execs) and the angry mob.”
He didn’t bother to say that he OWNS the angry mob - or at least his owner, Soros, owns them...
I am dead serious. We have to find a way to stop the lawlessness or this nation is toast. How can we hit the SEIU where it hurts until we vote out their criminal friends in high places?