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To: pgkdan
"...I would be willing to take up arms against the government. This would be the act that puts me right over the edge!"

No offense intended here but really, let's examine this. You say you are willing to take up arms and I'm assuming you believe others will too. Well let's look at that:

Obama has devastated everything he's touched (by design btw) We are living in tyranny now and the only thing that hasn't happened is the brutalization of the citizenry (which is coming soon imo) and NOT ONE SOUL.....NO ONE has made any attempt to remove these treasonous people. Not one attempt. All we keep hearing is wait until November (a mirage). NOTHING can be done etc etc except "vote them out" (I'm so sick of hearing that because it isn't going to happen). This confiscation will be swallowed...with only a few screaming...and those screams will fade just like in the health care. The majority of the Republicans are on board with this no matter what they say. They bitch, and then they see how they will personally benefit and then they shut up. We are alone. As another poster said...49% voted for this regime. I hope their lives are absolutely devasted in the coming weeks because they took all of us down the drain.

43 posted on 05/04/2010 8:16:05 AM PDT by Outlaw Woman (Control the American people? Herding cats would be easier.)
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To: Outlaw Woman
All we keep hearing is wait until November (a mirage). NOTHING can be done etc etc except "vote them out" (I'm so sick of hearing that because it isn't going to happen).

I agree. When our system is working correctly, we get a safety-valve every 2 years where we can make our feelings known and alter the political landscape, and keep the country on track.

But the system isn't working correctly -- I think the safety-valve is broken. The Democrats want bigger government. The Republicans want the same thing too. In November 2010, the names in Congress will change, but I don't see any way for us to be out of the woods through the electoral process.

I'm convicned that many people feel this way. At some point (I hope) someone will take a stand, and then I think we may find that this country is a powder keg. Our current Cold War against tyranny will become Hot, and many citizens will "go hunting".

83 posted on 05/04/2010 9:07:26 AM PDT by ClearCase_guy
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To: Outlaw Woman
The majority of the Republicans are on board with this no matter what they say. They bitch, and then they see how they will personally benefit and then they shut up.

Just like they voted with the Democrats for health care deform? A lot of them may be establishment swine, but I think they deserve a little more credit than you're giving them.

As for Obama voters suffering, I'm with you on that one, although I don't like the idea of my mom, my stepmother, and my aunt being among them.

94 posted on 05/04/2010 9:19:51 AM PDT by Tolerance Sucks Rocks (70 mph shouldn't be a speed limit; it shoud be a mandate!)
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To: Outlaw Woman
This confiscation will be swallowed...with only a few screaming...and those screams will fade just like in the health care

I really don't think so. Stuff is going to blow up. I guarantee it.

121 posted on 05/04/2010 9:52:46 AM PDT by subterfuge (BUILD MORE NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS NOW!!!)
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To: Outlaw Woman

You sound like my husband and it worries me. I hope you aren’t right, but you might be.

199 posted on 05/04/2010 6:16:16 PM PDT by dforest
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To: Outlaw Woman

Like a lot of people you’ve been watching all this wondering if anyone is going to put a stop to it. As far as DC, you are right, we are alone. Like a lot of people you’ve been wondering how in the heck a Tea Party person or group can do anything effective against the onslaught. Waving signs at rallies is going to come up short. Vote ‘em out - who knows?

Something has changed for the better IMO. It is now becoming clear how “we the people” are going to fight this - states rights. The battle lines are being drawn at state borders and a number of states are telling the Feds “don’t tread on us.” Some states are saying you can’t make us buy federal health care, we’re taking care of our illegals problem, the usurper isn’t getting on the ballot in this state next time and more.

Those states are not going to go along with having their residents’ retirement accounts confiscated, farms taken over by Fed. food police and most importantly their armed citizens disarmed. They have drawn a line in the sand. It is starting in the court system but it probably won’t stay there. Counties within states can do the same thing. It’s a way to organize resistance and it is a way to win this fight that doesn’t depend on elections or the whim of a judge who may or may not respect the constitution and could very well be in the bag for Obama.

Most of us have not been raised as socialists who look to the government for all of our needs. Quite the reverse in most cases. Americans are not going to roll over and take it. I think many people would be willing to take up arms and risk dying rather than living in the country remade in the Obama vision. No way - they just need to see HOW to do it and the states are just now beginning to show them. Once enough people realize this, there is no way the Feds can win. After all, they’re not really Americans in any of the ways that count, are they?

207 posted on 05/04/2010 10:16:22 PM PDT by Natural Born 54 (FUBO x 10)
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