“I dont know about anyone else , but me and approx 20+ friends are going to turn out along the local highway with U.S. Flags tomorrow , in support of the Great State of Arizona “
Thank you!
“In the days to come MILLIONS of Americans should do this .”
well we did it and it was grand ! 100’s of positive honks and only a few middle fingers .
Finally at the end one brave Mexican lad stopped and asked us “what was this all about!?” Once he recognized that one of our number was a PD officer , off duty, who had pulled him over a few times , he got real polite . One of our number is a latina whose family have long been US legal residents and she cut thru all the lads bulloney in fluent Spanish and the fellow left some what chastened and more enlightened .
As for the rest of our community , the 1000+ drivers by ;
the pro-amnesty hispanics that had been standing around on the roadside in the morning were answered . Theirs is not the only voice , and apparently we were the ones that got all the honks and cheers