personally... I’m sick of his whining and when he starts crying, forget it. Man up! sissy boy!
Nothing sissy about this, and no tears:
I sincerely request that you watch the two Beck videos at that link, both from this week. You may have to watch twice. It’s hard to grasp what is happening to us, but you need to know.
Beck is simply the only one explaining in plain everyday language what Obama and his people are doing.
Please watch?
Dude, I’m with you, but now it’s time for you to man up and see what he is saying. I’m not a big fan either but Monday and Thursday’s shows blew my mind. It got me back in the game. It’s endtimes for this nation if what we have in the White House and Congress continues. He’s outing more than czars now.
Maybe if he wore grownup clothing, he would act more like a man. Instead he wears dirty jeans and keds -- a 12-year-old boy's clothing! I did see him ONCE in his big boy pants & big boy shoes. "Clothing makes the man."