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Site has now changed. Must do a search for board members. Please grab pages before they move or disappear.

Board of DirectorsChairman of the Board
Gerry Hudson
SEIU, Executive Vice President
Hudson, who has served as Executive Vice President of SEIU since June 2004, leads the union’s long term care work through new strategies and campaigns. He came to SEIU in 1978 from the Hebrew Home for the Aged in Riverdale, N.Y., where he was a member of SEIU Local 144. Hudson has served on the advisory board of the Apollo Alliance and Redefining Progress, the nation’s leading public policy think tank dedicated to developing innovative public policies that balance economic well being, environmental preservation, and social justice.

In 1996, Hudson served as political director of the New York state Democratic Party and helped lead the union’s campaigns in support of Jesse Jackson’s presidential efforts in New York and the successful New York City mayoral campaign of David Dinkins. He played an instrumental role in the election of H. Carl McCall, the first African American controller in New York State.

Doris Koo
Enterprise Community Partners, President and CEO
Doris W. Koo, a nationally respected leader with nearly 30 years of experience in affordable housing and community development, began her career as a community organizer and has been a highly successful developer, public agency administrator and nonprofit executive. From 1979 to 1992, Koo led Asian Americans for Equality in New York City, first as a member of the board of directors and later as founding executive director. After moving to Seattle in 1992, Koo continued her involvement in affordable housing development as senior housing developer at the Fremont Public Association. Koo joined the Seattle Housing Authority as director of development in 1994 and was named deputy executive director in 1999.

Steve Allen
United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters, Director of the Sustainable Technologies Department
Steven H. Allen, LEED AP is the Vice-Chair of the Green Mechanical Council. Allen has over 40 years experience as an HVACR Service Technician and HVACR educator. He works with HVACR Manufacturers, Contractors Associations, and Career Technical Schools to develop classroom and web-based HVACR certificate and degree programs that lead to employment. He is the developer of the UA STAR Testing and Certification program, and the UA Interactive On-line Curriculum (a web-based file sharing system for UA instructors). Allen has a Masters Degree in Education with a Certification in Instructional Technology.

Angela Blackwell
PolicyLink, Founder and CEO
Angela Glover Blackwell founded PolicyLink in 1999. A renowned community building activist and advocate, Blackwell served as senior vice president of the Rockefeller Foundation where she oversaw the Foundation’s Domestic and Cultural divisions. Blackwell also developed Rockefeller’s Building Democracy division, which focused on race and policy, and created the Next Generation Leadership program. A lawyer by training, she gained national recognition as founder of the Oakland (CA) Urban Strategies Council, where she pioneered new approaches to neighborhood revitalization. From 1977 to 1987, Blackwell was a partner at Public Advocates, a nationally known public interest law firm. She is the co-author of Searching for the Uncommon Common Ground: New Dimensions on Race in America (W.W. Norton & Co., 2002), and contributed to Ending Poverty in America: How to Restore the American Dream (The New Press, 2007), an anthology edited by John Edwards.

Dayna Cunningham
MIT CoLab, Executive Director
Dayna has over 20 years of experience working in democratic engagement and social justice as an attorney, in philanthropy and in development. Dayna worked as a voting rights lawyer with the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, litigating cases in Arkansas, Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi and elsewhere in the South. As an Associate Director at the Rockefeller Foundation, she funded initiatives that examined the relationship between democracy and race, changing racial dynamics and new conceptions of race in the U.S., as well as innovation in civil rights legal work. She also worked as an officer for the New York City Program at the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. While associated with Public Interest Projects, a non-profit project management and philanthropic consulting firm based in New York City, she managed foundation collaboratives on social justice issues. Most recently, Dayna directed the ELIAS Project, an MIT-based collaboration between business, NGOs and government that seeks to use processes of profound innovation to advance economic, social and environmental sustainability.

Dayna holds an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management and a juris doctor degree from New York University School of Law. She has an undergraduate degree from Harvard and Radcliff Colleges.

Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins
Green For All, CEO
Since taking leadership of Green For All in March 2009, Phaedra has led the organization to a stirring string of victories. Chief among these was assembling a civil rights coalition that successfully lobbied for two significant improvements to the House version of the American Clean Energy and Security Act: securing funding for job training, and guaranteeing broad access to clean energy jobs. These are the Act’s only provisions creating opportunity for low-income people and people of color. Prior to joining Green For All, Phaedra was head of the South Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council and Working Partnerships USA.

Jeff Grabelsky
Cornell University, Director of Union Building Strategies
Jeff Grabelsky develops and delivers education and training programs and provides research and technical assistance in all aspects of union affairs.

The programs he has worked on have reached over 300,000 unionists nationwide. Jeff began his career in the labor movement working and organizing in the steel industry in 1973, has been a member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) for thirty years, and is the former national organizing director of the Building and Construction Trades Department (AFL-CIO).

Jack Hayn
IUPAT, Liaison to the AFL-CIO
Jack Hayn formerly served as the Government Affairs field representative for the IUPAT Central Region. His new position as IUPAT liaison to the AFL-CIO includes serving as the representative on the many AFL-CIO constituency groups as well as serving as support on IUPAT efforts on numerous federation committees to include the passage of Health Care Reform and the Employee Free Choice Act.

Hayn began his career in the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades in 1986 when he enrolled as an apprentice glazier in Local Union 181/District Council 6 (Cleveland ). His work in political activism earned him a position on the International staff in December of 2003 as a field representative in Government Affairs. In addition to his duties on the International level, he continued to remain active in Ohio politics. Hayn was a key supporter and volunteer for Governor Ted Strickland.

Art Lujan
The Building & Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO, Special Assistant to the President
Prior to his current position, Art Lujan served as the Executive Director of the Gulf Coast Construction Career Center (G4C) located in New Orleans, Louisiana. G4C was developed in response to the challenge of reconstructing the Gulf Coast and is supported by a consortium of national and local organizations including the Building and Construction Trades Department of the AFL-CIO, AFL-CIO Investment Trust Corporation, the AFL-CIO and the State of Louisiana. The blueprint for the center was developed by national and local construction industry leaders, including contractors, academic representatives, union representatives, project owners, affordable housing advocates, and investment experts.

Art has previously served as the California State Labor Commissioner in the Governor Gray Davis administration. Art also served as the Business Manager of the San Diego Building Trades Council for fourteen years. During his tenure he developed and implemented a pre-apprenticeship program for the building trades designed to recruit more people of color and females into the trades. During that time he also managed 450 units of low to moderate income housing owned by the building trades unions.

Don Mathis
Community Action Partnership, President & CEO
Don Mathis heads up the national membership organization of CAP which represents more than 1,000 Community Action agencies across America that work to promote economic security for all in America. Mathis is responsible for the Partnership’s national “Rooting Out Poverty” campaign and for raising the visibility of Community Action through strategic branding, marketing, public relations, and new collaborations, thereby serving as a key advocate for the 37 million Americans who live in poverty. Mathis has over 35 years experience in managing, designing, and lobbying for children, youth, and family programs at the community, state, and national levels. He held a senior staff position with the federal Corporation for National and Community Service that included managing 600+ AmeriCorps volunteers at the 1996 Olympics. He directed the Pennsylvania Conservation Corps and the National Youth Employment Coalition.

Leslie Moody
The Partnership for Working Families, Executive Director
Leslie Moody heads a national network dedicated to building power and reshaping the urban environment and economy for workers and communities. Prior to leading the Partnership, Leslie dedicated 15 years to changing Colorado’s organizing and political landscape. As the first woman president of the Denver Area Labor Federation, she spent a decade building a unified and successful movement which helped transform the state political alignment, and raise the minimum wage. As labor council president, she also co-founded the Front Range Economic Strategy Center (FRESC), and co-chaired the successful community benefits campaign at the Cherokee-Gates redevelopment. Committed to building a diverse and effective movement, Leslie has helped train thousands of union, community and student organizers; led organizing and policy campaigns impacting tens of thousands of low-wage workers; and helped block millions of dollars in public subsidy to Wal-Mart and other low-road employers.

Sally Prouty
The Corps Network, President
Ms. Prouty serves as an advocate for The Network’s 143 member Corps. She served four years as Deputy Director Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) and seven years as Director of the Ohio Civilian Conservation Corps (OCCC), a division of ODNR, operating two residential and six non-residential programs statewide. In addition to working 30 years in the public and private sectors, Ms. Prouty has nearly an equal number of years of experience in volunteer non-profit positions at the local, state, national and international levels including serving on a public school Board of Education and on the founding board of a faith-based Charter School. Ms. Prouty also holds a degree in Organizational Communication from Capital University in Columbus, Ohio. Her current work is concentrated on utilizing national and community service as a strategy to revitalize communities, preserve and restore the environment, prepare young people for responsible, productive lives and build civic spirit through service. Currently, Ms. Prouty is co-chair of the national Campaign for Youth and until recently served as founding co-chair of Voices for National Service.

Kevin Reilly
Laborers’ International Union of North America, Home Performance Coordinator
Kevin Reilly grew up in PA in an Irish Democrat household, whose grandfather was a steelworker. Reilly received his PhD in History from UMass-Amherst, where he was shop steward for the Graduate Employee Organization, a bargaining unit in UAW local. He taught US history survey courses and seminar in US women and business history at Morgan State University and University of Maryland before joining Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA) in 2006.

Joel Rogers
COWS, Director
Joel Rogers, a former labor organizer, is a professor of law, political science, public affairs, and sociology at the university. He is the director of COWS, MIP, and CSI, senior policy advisor to Green for All, and cofounder and first chair of the Apollo Alliance. Joel has written widely on democratic theory and contemporary politics and is a MacArthur Foundation “genius” fellow, identified by Newsweek as one of the 100 living Americans mostly likely to shape U.S. politics and culture in the 21st century. John Sweeney and Andy Stern jointly said of Rogers: “nobody outside the American labor movement has shaped our present thinking as profoundly.”

Michael Rubinger
LISC, Executive Director
Michael Rubinger has been the President and Chief Executive Officer of Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) since 1999. Prior to joining LISC, he was the Executive Vice President of the Pew Charitable Trusts, one of the largest private foundations in the country. Mr. Rubinger has more than thirty years experience in the housing and economic development fields. He worked for the City of New York as Assistant Commissioner of Employment and Training and was also responsible for planning and implementing various housing and employment-related national demonstration projects for the Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation, a non-profit policy research corporation. Earlier in his career, he helped to administer the Ford Foundation’s community and economic development initiatives. Mr. Rubinger is a graduate of Brown University and the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy at Tufts.

Dorothy Stoneman
YouthBuild USA, Founder and President
Dorothy Stoneman heads the national support center for 273 YouthBuild programs and is a leader in advocating for youth engagement in civil society. She is chairman of the National YouthBuild Coalition, with more than 1,000 member organizations in 45 states, Washington D.C., and the Virgin Islands. After joining the Civil Rights movement in 1964, Stoneman lived and worked for 24 years in Harlem.

She has built grassroots coalitions that have succeeded in obtaining hundreds of millions of dollars of city, state, and federal funds for community-based organizations to implement programs for youth and community development in low-income neighborhoods. She was selected by Non Profit Times as one of the 50 most influential non-profit leaders in 2008, awarded the prestigious international Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship in 2007, the John Gardner Annual Leadership Award from the Independent Sector in 2000, and a MacArthur Fellowship (“genius grant”) in 1996. Stoneman serves as a trustee of America’s Promise: The Alliance for Youth; a member of the steering committees of Voices for National Service, ServiceNation, America Forward, and Campaign for Youth. She served on the Task Force to End Poverty of the Center for American Progress which issued a set of recommendations in 2007 regarding how to cut poverty in half in ten years.

Phil Thompson
MIT, Associate Professor of Urban Politics
Phil is an urban planner and a political scientist. In the early 1990s, Phil worked as deputy general manager of the New York Housing Authority, and as director of the Mayor’s Office of Housing Coordination. He is a frequent advisor to trade unions in their efforts to work with immigrant and community groups across the United States. Phil’s most recent academic work includes a 2004 review of public health interventions in poor black communities (written with Arline Geronimus) published in the Du Bois Review, entitled “To Denigrate, Ignore, or Disrupt: The Health Impact of Policy induced Breakdown of Urban African American Communities of Support”; an article entitled “Judging Mayors” in the June 2005 issue of Perspectives on Politics; and a recent book, Double Trouble: Black Mayors, Black Communities, and the Struggle for Deep Democracy, published by Oxford University Press. Following Hurricane Katrina, Phil coordinated MIT’s technical assistance efforts in the Gulf.

Ken Wade
NeighborWorks America, CEO
Kenneth D. Wade oversees the provision of technical assistance, financial assistance and training that assists over 3,000 community based organizations and oversees the support of a national network of more than 240 affordable housing and community development organizations serving over 4,000 communities. Wade, who joined NeighborWorks America in 1990, has more than 25 years of experience in community development. He most recently served for five years as NeighborWorks America’s director of national programs, initiatives, and research. In addition, he served as the director of the NeighborWorks America New England district for eight years. Prior to joining NeighborWorks America, Wade worked for nine years with Boston’s United South End Settlements.

Jerry Westerholm
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Director
Sunia Zaterman
Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA), Executive Director
Sunia Zaterman joined CLPHA as Executive Director in 1994. She has over thirty years experience in housing issues at the federal, state and local levels. From 1994 to 2004, she also served as Executive Vice President of the Housing Research Foundation. Prior to her tenure at CLPHA, she served as the Director of Research and Development at the Alexandria, Virginia Redevelopment and Housing Authority and the Executive Director of the Travis County, Texas Housing Authority. In addition, she has worked at the Texas State Legislature and the New York State Housing Finance Agency. She holds a Masters Degree in Urban Planning from Princeton University and a Bachelors Degree in History from Barnard College, Columbia University. Ms. Zaterman serves as a Trustee of CHF International, an international community development organization and the National Housing Conference (NHC). She also serves on the editorial advisory boards of Affordable Housing Finance and Housing and Development Reporter.

6 posted on 04/29/2010 7:38:18 AM PDT by combat_boots (The Lion of Judah cometh. Hallelujah. Gloria Patri, Filio et Spirito Sancto.)
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‘Core Curriculum’ page.....:

“Use of the Core Curriculum is likely to be a significant component of any Emerald Cities operation plans developed by local ECC partners. ECC members interested in learning more about or being instructors for the Core Curriculum should work with the local Building Trades Council through their representative on the local ECC steering committee. Interested organizations located outside of an Emerald City should contact their local Building Trades Council directly.”

Further information about The Core Curriculum:
Robert Pleasure
Director of Education
Building & Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO

9 posted on 04/29/2010 7:41:16 AM PDT by combat_boots (The Lion of Judah cometh. Hallelujah. Gloria Patri, Filio et Spirito Sancto.)
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To: combat_boots

I just google cached all the Members, Donors, Staff, and Board Members lists.

19 posted on 04/29/2010 7:59:02 AM PDT by snowrip (Liberal? You are a socialist with no rational argument.)
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To: combat_boots


This is like shining a light on a pit of rats, snakes and cockroaches.

They are going to run into the cracks and try to hide.

Save, save, save this information before they delete and change it!

We need a concise e-mail with an attention grabbing subject line, highlights and links that we can get out to all of our contacts asap.

We need tech and creative people on this pronto.

Let’s increase Beck’s audience tonight by millions!!

20 posted on 04/29/2010 8:01:18 AM PDT by Painesright
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To: combat_boots

Target rich environment.

90 posted on 05/02/2010 9:27:37 AM PDT by CPT Clay (Pick up your weapon and follow me.)
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